[color=bc8dbf]"It's a pleasure to meet you,"[/color] The manners her grandparents instilled into the girl forced her to reply. It wouldn't do for a Sina girl to be haughty or rude, as her grandmother liked to remind her. Annella nodded at the two giants before her, giving them a small smile as she slipped her glasses back up onto her face again. The girl’s blurry vision instantly sharpened and she couldn’t help but sigh with relief. [i]This is what you get for reading so much at night without any proper light,[/i] her inner voice scolded her. She had no choice but to do so, since she never had any free time during the day. She was looking forward to being able to read at a more appropriate time, not risking her health while doing so. She wanted to protest as Lilith leapt out of her seat, giving the two remaining cadets a goofy grin as she followed Grant away towards the food. She left her and Yuri on the table in silence, and Annella found herself shrinking in slightly, as if trying to make her presence less known to the quiet male in front. She couldn’t help but be curious as she peered at the cover of his book, having some difficulty as the position covered majority – if not all – of the cover, but she could barely manage to see some scribbles in a language completely unknown to her. [i]Must be from [b]before[/b].[/i] She hummed, curious. She'd never seen that language before, so she could only presume that it was from a time where the walls nor the titans existed, where humanity lived freely and were spread far across the globe. She took a sip of her cooling tea, frowning as the liquid was now too cool to be enjoyed, so she pushed it away from her. [color=bc8dbf]“I apologise if I’m intruding,”[/color] Annella started, still avoiding his gaze as she turned to play with a loose thread from the sleeve of her tan uniform jacket. [color=bc8dbf]“Lilith brought me along, even though I haven’t said more than a few words to her. I can leave if you want me to.”[/color] She offered.