[hider=How is this?] [center][b]Name:[/b] Maho Takase [b]Nickname:[/b] The Betrayer, The Kinslayer [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alliance:[/b] Pro magic [b]Voice actor:[/b] Ryōka Yuzuki [b]Theme Song:[/b] [hider][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLOp9q-ggeg[/youtube][/hider][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.allthatsepic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/thief-cosplay-2.jpg[/img][/center] [b]History:[/b] Maho is the current heir of a dynasty of the Betrayers, names as such when her far ascendant first aligned himself with a dragon and almost brought the dragon slayers almost to their knees, only being slain by the last remaining few slayers of his era. He left behind a diary though, containing everything the dragons taught him. The book was passed down through his direct line of descendants, and albeit they eventually become dragon slayers themselves, the title of the Betrayer kept as they were using dragons’ own magic. Maho was the second in line to inherit the book, past her elder sister. Having much greater talent in magic though, Maho craved to have access to the family legacy. She trained her magic in a way that would allow her to steal the book and make her escape. Unfortunately, when the time came, she was caught after retrieving the book. Not having much choice, she quickly cast the first spell she looked at in the diary. The spatial magic torn their mansion apart and ended the life of her sister, making her the true heir in the end. Her goal accomplished, she left to study her new art, taking her stealth spells up several levels and eventually joining up with the dragonslayers like the newer tradition of her family demanded. [b]Personality:[/b] Maho is a dark person. She enjoys playing tricks, causing misery and manipulating people to her own gains. Above all else she is power hungry - To the point of slaying her own blood if it resulted in enough of a gain. If you somehow get into her good graces, you can expect anything from tough love to being pampered, depending on what she feels like. Her loyalty even to the greatest of friends isn’t unbreakable though. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Dark magic: Vanishing dragon[/i] - Magic of Draconian origin that uses dimensional manipulation and phase shifting. [hider=Spellbook][list] [*][i]Dragonscale[/i] - An enchant spell that makes its target as resistant to damage as a dragon’s scale, be it a weapon or a piece of clothing. It takes considerable time to cast it on larger objects like a suit of armor though. The time is reduced when not enchanting for permanent effect. It can also be sped up by using exponentially more power. [*][i]Anonymity[/i] - A cloaking spell that makes Maho undetectable by senses. A magic user of sufficient level will be able to feel her though. It also causes Maho some troubles, as moving when you can’t see what you’re doing is difficult. [*][i]Twisted membranes[/i] - The spells curves the space around maho, causing projectile attacks to miss her. [*][i]Portam Salutis[/i] - Teleports Maho and anything she is in physical contact with to a location she is looking at. [*][i]String whip[/i] - Maho creates a spatial distortion that acts as a heavy string, using it as a whip. Unlike normal weapons, this is barely visible. [/list][/hider] Her fighting style relies on agility and stamina, wearing her opponent down and striking precision hits rather than quickly obliterating an enemy with overwhelming might. Her weapons of choice are two daggers, often coated in poison or other nasty stuff. [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*]The color black [*]Breaking the hearts of fair maidens [*]Beef [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*]People of morale [*]Weaklings [*]Vegetables [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*]Stealth [*]Stamina [*]Speed [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*]No armor [*]Impaired eyesight [*]Magic cancellers [/list] [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*]Maho has a prosthetic right eye, a memento of her escape with the magic diary. [*]She’s bi. [/list] [/hider]