[center][h2]Haley's Character[/h2][/center] [center][h2][color=00aeef]Evangaline "Evie" Jasper Clark[/color][/h2] [img] http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/2014/01/img_7630_web.jpg[/img] [i][color=00aeef]"Sometimes I wonder what people assume about my personality when they look at me."[/color][/i] Standing at a total of 5 foot, 6 inches, Evie has light strawberry blonde colored hair that falls down to the small of her back. He frame is lithe with the slightest undertone of muscle. Her eyes are a mix of hazel and gray, giving off one of the most defiant vibes that you could imagine. Long legs and Ivory skin set off by thin, rose-y lips. Her hair is typically left free falling, though when training and other such things, well be seen pulled back into a high-set ponytail. [i]Age[/i]: 20 [i]Gender[/i]: Female [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Evangaline comes from the richer side of life, though has had her struggles as well. Nothing comes with out a price. [i]Sector:[/i] 8 [i]For the Battle or Opposed?[/i] The though of the battle and being sent into the arena typically makes Evie's stomach churn with fear and anticipation, and excitement, all at the same time. Fear of dying, anticipation of the battle yet to come and excitement of running from something. An actual opponent. She considers herself a girl with nothing left to lose, though will fight to the death in order to prove herself worthy. [i]Power Description:[/i] Evangaline possesses the abilities and such of Invertebrates. Explanation: Considering the fact that invertebrates have no back bone, Evie can move more easily and more freely. In other words, she is super flexible. Invertebrates have a hard exoskeleton, there for Evangaline has hard-ish skin. Thorns upon vines and rose bushes have no effect, however a sharp weapon will hurt her, of course. Due to her flexibility, she can also climb exceptionally well as well as hide in tight places. She requires much less energy to survive. [i]Power Weakness[/i] Invertebrates are cold blooded creatures, therefor Evie get hot when it hot, and cold when it is cold. She strives in warm weather, but her body moves slower in the cold. [i]Weapon of Choice:[/i] Evie has trained with a a pair of throwing knives all of her life and that is her preferred weapon. However, she also fights with a long sword. [i]Fighting Skills:[/i] Evangaline has been training with her throwing knives all of her life and recently -about 3 years ago- began to train with her long sword. On occasion she has been known to participate in hand-to-hand combat tournaments and training. [i]Personality:[/i] Evie is a mixture of all sorts of personality traits. She is always on her toes, ready to attack when need be. The girl always makes it a point to be aware of her surroundings, locating the most valuable resources first. Looking at her, you might think that she is flirtatious, and about that you are right. However, she see's it as more of a distraction than anything. A predator and her prey, if you will. Ms. Clark also has trust issues and is typically your laid back sort of person unless you endanger her or her loved ones. Then it's game over. No matter what she is going through she is the sort of girl that is seen with a smile on her face, always keeping her emotions bottled up inside. Another thig having to do with her appearance is that her hair being mainly blonde, people typically think that she is the stereo-typical giggling school girl. Correction: This girl knows tactics and has been studying them inside out for years, always loving a good book. Traps are also part of her expertise. Evie is adventurous, always up for a challenge. She is also a adrenaline junkie. [i]Biography:[/i] Evangaline was born and raised in sector two, her parents well known people, her father a past victor. He expected nothing less but perfection from his only child and her mother felt the need that a lady should always know her etiquette. There for, she spent her life going to school, coming home and training with her father, and then at dinner time, being scolded for having her elbows upon the dinner table. At the age of 8, her trainings began to intensify. Her father hired her a trainer, she learned how to squeeze into the smallest of places. She was expected to be able to look fear in the face and laugh, and so she learned. Always learning. Her father would tell her to walk across the yard to the weeping willow tree, press her back against it, stand up straight and look him right into the eyes. [i]"I'll never hurt you,"[/i] he would always say, but yet as he threw the knives, she would find herself coming away with scrapes and bruises upon her skin. At the age of 11, things started to go south in her life. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and her father, un-able to stand seeing the woman he loved slowly wither away, turned to drinking. The mans best friend soon became the bottom of the bottle. Evie quickly learned how to cook, clean and manage a budget -though her family did not need it. She would constantly argue with her father about his addiction, the arguments ending in either him breaking down and crying, saying that he would never do it again -lies- or her being thrown to the ground in one of the mans violent rages. [i][b]"I'll never hurt you,"[/b][/i] his voice echoed in her head each time. From that moment forward, Evie began to shy away from people, taking her training upon herself and sitting up at night, looking to the stars as if they were to give a answer. And for her assumptions, she was wrong. The girl always opposed the council, though kept her words to her mouth as anything horrible said about the government, constantly vowing never to participate in their games. But her fate had already been chosen long before the decision was to be made. [i]Likes:[/i] •Night-time/The Stars. •Children. •Anything Physical. •A good argument. [i]Dislikes:[/i] •Snobs. •The cold. •Failure. [i]Fears:[/i] •Dying young: Evie considers herself a girl with nothing left to lose, but that does not mean that she will not fight to live out the rest of her life to her maximum potential. •Not being able to see the stars: To Evangaline, the stars mean that she is free. To be in captivity or a area where the stars do not shine, means that her freedom has been taken from her. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] •As stated earlier, the cold. •Not only does Evie like children, she could never kill one as well, thus making it hard to kill someone with a child that they care for. Something about taking or tarnishing a life that innocent makes her cringe. •Her trust issues. [i]Other:[/i] In Evie's opinion, you have all heard enough. [i]Theme Song:[/i] "[i]Skipping Stone[/i]" by Claire De Lune [/center]