[hider=Renko] Name: Renko Age: 24 Weight: 194 lb Height: 5" 10' [center][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/center] [center][b][u]Powers & Abilities[/u][/b][/center] [b][u]Kzich:[/u][/b] Kzich is a form of arcane matter, created by filtering magical energies though one's aura, instead of directly manipulating them. This makes this technique easy and fast to learn, requiring only basic knowledge of applied magic, while also holding great potential even for the more experienced wielders. In Renko's case, his Kzich comes in form of glossy black ceramic, the closest analogue to its properties being boron carbide, with only a single major difference, that being it's very low friction coefficient, making the ceramic very slippery. It has a high degree of arcane impermeability, meaning that mundane means of establishing magical connections with the material will fail, which translates into Renko's inability to control his Kzich after it has formed; however, he can manipulate it's growth. He can materialize it within a 5 meter radius of himself, shaping the ceramic into various constructs - however, this requires roughly 2 seconds of prep time, and the amount he can create in one go is limited to half a cubic meter, or 500 liters, after which he must prepare again. This is due to the fact that channeling energy through his aura, which is how Kzich is produced, causes stress to build up, and at a certain point, his energy channels collapse, breaking the spell. They do recover in a fraction of a second, but Renko still has to restart the Kzich creation process, requiring him to go through the prep time again. The rate at which he can produce the Kzich tops out at 100 liters per second - a chunk slightly bigger than his own body; the speed at which it expands - or grows, whichever wording one may prefer - peaks at 25 meters per second, while the force that the materializing particles exert reaches some 20,000 newtons - enough to crack concrete or move a nearly 2 ton chunk of ceramic at max speed. Also, a certain peculiarity exists thanks to Kzich being a byproduct of his aura: within two inches of his body, Renko's aura is exceptionally strong, and this allows him to bond the ceramic to himself, creating an attraction force of about 4000 Newtons - not too powerful, taking into consideration that a a strong enough human could overcome it, but still useful on certain occasions. Additionally, he can also materialize the Kzich right inside this area of his aura, meaning that he can create a growth of ceramic that moves along with him, rather than being tied to its expansion speed. [b][u]Crocodile Fire:[/u][/b] with this spell, Renko has the equivalent of a bottomless flamethrower just at the tip of his fingers, able to generate a stream of napalm reaching as far as 150 feet. It starts at about two inches in diameter and is powerful enough to bounce the napalm off walls, reaching enemies behind cover. The liquid is chemically ignited, containing a pyrophoric compound - triethylaluminium - which Renko can add or remove at will, allowing him to produce the napalm in an unagitated state if need be. Moreover, that is not the only utility that tinkering with the mixture's composition can yield: the burn speed can be modified as well, by reducing the amount of thickener, which makes the fuel burn faster, with more heat and exhaust - in its most volatile state, it is fit to be used as fuel in a combustion engine. [b][u]Physical Capabilities:[/u][/b] Renko has always recognized the body as a powerful weapon, continuously furthering its vigor throughout his life. While a well-muscled body contributes greatly to his might, he far surpasses its natural limits through synergy with magic, bolstering metabolic processes and reinforcing the skeletal and muscular structures. The ATP molecules within his his body are enriched, releasing vastly more energy during muscle contractions; neurons fire off faster, putting his reaction speed at 0.05 seconds; and naturally, Renko is robust enough to withhold the strain of superhuman strength without tearing tendons or fracturing bone. Deadlifting 2 tons - four times the world record for a normal human - is child's play for him, as is catching up on a cheetah, his fastest sprint clocking out at 75 MPH. [b][u]Minor Magical Abilities:[/u][/b] while some know him as a ruthless mercenary, Renko's works, often under a pseudonym, have appeared in medical journals. Having studied the application of magic in medicine, he is well familiar with common with healing techniques - and while contrary to popular belief, they aren't applicable in combat, there are a few acquired professional traits that can be of use. Such is his ability to perceive one's aura: being of utmost importance in both diagnosing and treatment, focusing on a person's magical imprint can also allow him to easily track them down in combat, picking them up within a 20 meter radius. A direct line of sight is not necessarily required, but nevertheless, obstacles still can interfere with his view, this effect being more pronounced the further the distance is. Certain knowledge can be inferred from from analyzing one's aura, but the more his opponent deviates from the human species, the harder it becomes. Another of his acquired traits is a minor degree of resistance to malevolent energies and hexes, Renko having a basic understanding of their workings and being able to counteract their negative influence. Against an amateur, this can even mean complete immunity, but in most cases, he is only able to mitigate the effects. [center][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/center] [b][u]Body Armor:[/u][/b] covering his entire body is a peculiar looking suit of fibrous armor, covered from head to toe in metal hooks, ridges and grooves. Seemingly useless at first, their true purpose is revealed directly in combat, where these elements of punkish decor hold together a suit of ceramic plate armor made of Kzich, its distributed over Renko's body, rather than weighing down solely on his shoulders and head. To ensure that bludgeoning does not turn him into a human slushie, sloshing around in its own ceramic cup, the cushioning effect of the fiber is enhanced by a shear-thickening fluid, absorbing a fair amount of the force that comes through: pistol caliber bullets achieve no penetration at all and a warhammer strike from your ordinary Joe would hardly be felt at all. The helmet provides him with eye protection, in form of a plastic laminate visor and a built in respirator; the visor, in particular, being very large, as to not obscure his view at all - if needed, Renko can simply add a ceramic mask on top, to cover up where its defense is lacking. [center][b][u]Backstory[/u][/b][/center] WIP [center][b][u][/u][/b][/center] [/hider]