Caroline sighed digging around in her jacket pockets for her card, and the one Angelo gave to her. She handed him Angelo's as quick as possible then thought to herself, [i]Err.. rude much?[/i] Angelo's stomach growled with his face turning green. [color=ed1c24]"I think I ate too fast,"[/color] he mumbled holding back his puke. [color=2e3192]"For fucks sake Angelo,"[/color] Caroline said still disappointed. Both Nemo and Angelo were getting more and more annoying to her every second, unlike before when they got her attention easily. [i]I have an idea![/i] she thought, almost squealing it out loud. A wide smirk appeared on her face, making Angelo confusing wondering why she was smiling. [color=ed1c24]"Hey... uhh.. Nobody? Does she remind you of a titan because of her smirk right now?"[/color] he asked with Caroline too busy thinking about her plan to notice.