[center][color=#79c879][h2]Raven Lamenti [/h2][/color][/center] [center][img]http://www.fashiongonerogue.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/cara-delevingne-2015-photo-shoot07.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=#79c879]"The Earth Speaks You Just Don't Open Your Ears To Hear It"[/color][/i] Raven has light brown/blondish hair that trails down to mid back and over her shoulders. Her eyes are a soft green that fit perfectly where they are, she is 5'6 and 122 lbs. She is skinny but not like super skin and bones and she has full brows. Her lips are sorta small but that's okay because that fits her face ship perfectly and her nice soft light toned skin.[/center] [center][i]Age[/i]: Nineteen [i]Gender[/i]: Female [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Sarah is part of the middle class. She has money but isn't rich and she defiantly isn't poor either. [i]Sector:[/i] Sector 3 [i]For the Battle or Opposed?[/i] She is kind of in between she enjoy's the fact of getting to fight and be rebellious but at the same time hates the fact that she could possibly die from it. [i]Power Description:[/i] She can make plants do her bidding and example of this would be using vines to tie someone up or moving bushes or tree's in someone's path. [i]Power Weakness[/i] If the plant's are dead or affected in a bad way she cannot use them. [i]Weapon of Choice:[/i] Bow and Arrow [i]Fighting Skills:[/i] Yes, she has some combat skills although she is rather not an expert she does know the regular and standard fighting needed. [i]Personality:[/i] Raven has that very smart ass attitude. She thinks she can do everything when of course she isn't capable of doing or knowing everything but this doesn't mean she isn't smart. Problem is she is way to kind or rather tries to be. Raven is always trying to make sure she is doing the right thing and this can cause people to walk all over her and or hurt her. Of course she knows she can't be to nice going into the arena. [i]Biography:[/i] Raven born into sector three of course to the Lamenti family her adorable green eyes twinkling brightly at her parent's as they held her. This was the first thing she could remember after that it was just many memories of running around the huts in the tree's being a pesky sweet little girl. By the time she was 10 she was already jumping from limb to limb in the tree's playing with the other children and always being warned to be careful in the trees. Of course she didn't listen though, in fact one day she was playing Limb tag in with the other children, spotting her friend Dante she decided to jump. The problem was the gap was to big and next thing she knew she was falling just as she was about to hit the forest floor she was caught by some beautiful vines; working together the vines carried her back to the top were here worried mother awaited and later a spanking on the bottom. This was how she discovered he power. Many years have passed and she is still that young girl at heart being wild and rebellious but also with power and control. [i]Likes:[/i] Red berries. For some reason she really really likes the color and taste. Rain, she enjoys the sound and comfort it brings. Squirrels, she thinks they are cute and fluffy and just adorable creatures. [i]Dislikes:[/i] Anything that involves fire. Worms. They are really odd and gross to her. She also really dislikes crows she thinks they bring bad luck. [i]Fears:[/i] The loss of her powers. Death it's self. This is because she enjoy's life she enjoys being able to embrace it. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Fire. Fire kills plants. Curiosity. Her Curiosity is what drags her down and gets her trouble. [i]Other:[/i] She can be air headed as hell.[/center] [center][i]Theme Song:[/i][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF0rsRLYkxc][i] Stole The Show (Feat. Parson James)[/i] by Kygo[/url][/center]