[hider=Jaenna "Rhoo" Carthe] Name: Rhoo [i]-Alias: Jaenna Carthe[/i] Age: 27 Race: Full Dragon Gender: Female Alliance: Pro Magic Appearance: Rhoo has long, blood red hair that reaches the bottom of her butt. She has piercing, cool gray-blue eyes and eyebrows naturally set into a cold stare. Her body is thin and straight with no visible "assets." Her face would not be considered beautiful by most, but is far from homely. She is pale and almost sickly, seeming to possess no strength whatsoever. There is a patch of deep blue scales increasingly covering her left hand, which she hides with a cut off glove. She stands five feet and five inches, weighing approximately one hundred and three pounds. [i]-Dragon:[/i] Neither ferocious nor threatening, Rhoo's dragon form has deep, royal blue scales. Two clean, white, dangerously sharp teeth are too big for her mouth to keep, and instead hang out over her bottom lip in a goofy manner. Sharp black horns are placed in a line from her forehead to the edge of her tail. Surrounding the first horn upon her forehead is a collection of blood red scales in the shape of an upside-down spade. Clothing: Rhoo is normally seen wearing crude, loose-fitting cloth garments in various colors that seem to hang off her body dejectedly, when not wearing armor. When she is not roaming barefoot, she wears simple leather sandals. Personality: quiet, apathetic, confident, sly, and snarky History: N/A (unless required) Weapons: Simple iron dagger made from the same material from the start of the hilt to the tip of the blade. Likes: combat training, literature, and nature. Dislikes: solitude, silence, and darkness. Strengths: more confident than she looks, sharp wits, quick reflexes. Weaknesses: has a soft spot for young children, and she's blind. Theme Song: N/A Other: Rhoo can "sense" colors in vague shapes. [/hider] Does this suffice?