[@Ayla] Celeste felt her eyes widen as Runa lay out more fabric than she had ever laid eyes upon. It looked like every color was there as well as a few she didn't know the name of. And so many pretty patterns! There were so many, how would she ever chose? The child stood there, brushing her curls back from her face as her eyes ran over all the fabric. Right then. She eliminated the denim right away. While the fabric made good clothes, it had no place hanging in the window. Next, her eyes ran over all the bright colors but she scratched them off the list. If it hurt her eyes to look at them then it will probably hurt others eyes. Besides, if the sun shone through the bright fabric it would make it too blinding to even glance at. With one hand placed on her hip and the other tapping her chin thoughtfully, Celeste examined what was left. Finally she pointed to a baby blue fabric made from cotton with delicate white swirls spiraling across the fabric. [color=cyan]"I think that one should be for the window andddddd..."[/color] She scanned her eyes once more over the spools before she finally pointed at a purple fabric that faded in a white ombre near the bottom. [color=cyan]"And that one for the dressing rooms."[/color]