[@manapool1] [@Zerofighter] [@bluetommy2] [@TheSecret] Gor approached the building that held those waiting for the world tournament, and closed his eyes, sensing the power of those in the building. News of the World Martial Arts Tournament had reached the demon, and he knew here there would be heroes, or those with the potential to be heroes, in this place. "..Hmm...two strong fighters...both..not human....Hehehehe. The rest are without potential..worthless scum, to be erased......." The demon chuckles to himself, cracking his neck, and his knuckles. Soon, he walks out to see the line formed of the would be martial artists. "....I am not waiting..." He grumbles, as he quickly shortens the line by punching and kicking those before him into the distance, one poor fool ending up sent though the wall of the waiting room building, the poor fool deceased when he stops in said waiting room. Not long after, Gor walks into the waiting room, and leans against a wall. "......Hmm. A Namek...and a Sayain...I did not expect your races here....A pleasant surprise..." Gor says, chuckling a bit. He seems to look over the android, as if he couldn't sense his power.