[center] [h1]The City[/h1] [hr][/center] It was a land that was real and yet illusory, solid and yet containing a phantasmal feeling to it. Said land was as though someone enlarged a giant map many times over until it covered an expanse so large that one couldn't see the horizon easily. Even worse, it looked decidedly nonsensical given that the place looked like some giant child had cut up pieces from various sources and pasted them together into a giant patchwork blanket. Here there seemed to be rural villages with lots of farmlands. Over there were long towers of glass and stone that dwarfed the surrounding landscape. The north was a frigid land of ice and snow, though it seemed bounded somehow- like a giant snow globe. The Great Wall of China itself encircled the nameless City, and beyond its borders was a Void, pure Nothingness that was devoid of anything that could be seen with eye or any sort of other sense. Just looking at the featureless plain for too long would be uncomfortable at best, like staring too long at the sun. The City... it was nameless due to it having so much pieces of other dimensions that no one could call it anything but. A sprawling metropolis that was the size of a country, a rather grand scale. No one knew when exactly this place had sprung up, or how long it had existed. The very center was dominated by a giant spiraling tower of burnished ebony that seemed to pierce the clouds itself, as though it was piercing the very heavens. From that focal point, patchwork terrain and features patterned themselves about the City's core area. The various inhabitants brought along with the ride ranged anywhere from regular humans to mechanical beings to fantasy races, a little bit of everything. A giant melting pot of hundreds if not thousands of cultures, all contained within the confines of the City. Needless to say, everything was dynamic given that the City continued to grow a little every day, constantly expanding its borders and bringing in something new to stir up trouble. Wars, alliances, peace, armistices, ceasefires. The clashing ideals continued to turn the wheels of conflict between neighbors and inciting trouble of various kind. Over this world resided its maker, a being that was the personification of "Wishes". Only known as the Viewer, he was the undisputed master of the City whose very whims changed the landscape. Residing in the gargantuan spiraling tower that was unbreachable to this very day, he continues to watch the lives of the beings he brought into his world... What the enigmatic being wanted, no one ever knew. And yet it could be the Viewer was waiting for something. For on a particular day, a loud cry of jubilation could be heard by every denizen of the City, an ecstatic roar that shook the skies and churned the sea of Nothingness itself. From the dappled skies, a multitude of shooting stars fell down upon the landscape, mainly concentrated about two locations- one in the East and the other in the West. It was like God foretelling the coming of his Messenger... And thus the story begins... [hr] [b][u]The Hive of Scum and Villainy[/u][/b] Those brought in as shooting stars who were of darker base qualities and certain evil mentalities would find themselves startling awake inside a crater, a little bit dirtied but overall unharmed. Upon making their way out from the slightly lower impacted grounds, our villains would find that they were in what appeared to be a rather rough neighborhood. [url=https://ginnodangan.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/blacklagoon302-09.jpg] The bay side locale seemed to be during the nocturnal hours, and yet the bright glare from the various buildings' yellow lights shined out, illuminating the dark with a gilded shine that only served to make the shadows darker. Fishing boats could be seen bobbing in the harbor's dark waters, as well as a large rock sculpture of a desecrated Buddha missing its head.[/url] Screams and gunfire were a semi regular background noise, and the very smell of the place was polluted with smog and sometimes the scent of various bodily fluids, especially the musty iron tang of spilled blood. [url=http://i.imgur.com/ftEYO4r.jpg]The specific area which our transported baddies were currently in seemed to be a three storied bar dubbed the Yellow Flag, in a most brightly lit neon hue.[/url] If anything, such a place was rather convenient for information gathering, though various means could be done to obtain said intel... [hr] [b][b][u]Abandoned Yet Stupidly Huge School Town[/u][/b][/b] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/mahousenseinegima/images/4/49/440902-mahora_academy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120412113940]For those newly arrived characters who weren't outright evil or immoral, they would have arrived in another territory much the same way the other group did. The main difference was though, their place of meeting seemed quite a bit more... relaxed and safe. In the distance, a rather large tree could be seen dwarfing its lesser brethren as well as various buildings that seemed to denote the place was a campus of some sort. Besides the main school buildings, various dormitories and a small town's worth of local businesses could be seen on surrounding the main academic portion. In other words, the place was indeed stupidly huge and rather fancy.[/url] Despite its size though, the surroundings seemed a bit too quiet and on closer inspection, there seemed to not be anyone living in the school, which a nearby directory named as Mahora. Maybe there were other people besides the newcomers, though a bit of exploring would have to be done in order to make sure of such. One of said shooting stars then flipped to his feet in a practiced and smoothed motion, dusting his body off idly as he glanced around with the ease of someone who's done this sort of things a hundred times at the very least. "Hum, place I dunno. Which is weird since I know I haven't been punted recently..." Muttering while trying to figure out what the heck was going on, one Ranma Saotome glanced at the other impact craters for a bit before staring back at the rich kid's school with an eyebrow quirked. "...Aw man, I hope I don't meet some millionaire nutjob..." The pigtailed teen garbed in Chinese silks griped, already prepared for the worst after all the experiences so far in his rather hectic life.