[@yukisaa] Works for me, just don't steal souls from other characters or anything crazy like that. :p Accepted! [@Lady Athena] Accepted! [@Blizz] But he wasn't really limited to those uses from what I got, he just tended to go that route first. Meh...either way, I'll accept him. Just remember to be careful, there's a lot that will be happening. [hr] I think we have enough people to start, so I'll get the intro up shortly. Just give me a bit to bring it back... Also, get your CS to the character tab before posting in the IC if you haven't by the time I get back. EDIT: The picture for the intro doesn't seem to work anymore...how odd. It shouldn't be too consequential at the moment, though, so feel free to post when ready. I'll get a new image up of the carnival when I get the chance.