"Well you are a really good cook, and it would be pretty fun." Sarah said with a smile as she took the beer from Vanessa setting it down in front of her and took a sip of it. Riley took the glass of coke and started to drink from it as well, she then started to grab the food putting it onto her plate same as Sarah who did the same. Riley then turned to look up at Vanessa. "Do you have any plans on traveling anywhere else anytime soon? Because I would really love to go with you someday." Riley said. Krista looked over at Cassandra she was surprised to hear her make a comment towards Officer Owens who was always an ass but she looked between Kaden and then Cassandra before speaking up. "We are just friends having some lunch together, nothing really going on here but if you really want to you can listen to our conversation though it's mostly about kid stuff you would probably get bored real quick."