Okay, my turn. The following are my own opinions and are really likely to clash against everyone elses. I found the extensive lore actually quite enjoyable. I may be in a minority, but thats not new. Lore doesn't take away opportunities, it gives you something to build on. The hard part about it is figuring out what exists in classical continuities that you can't shoehorn into the new one. I've taken to a new philosophy. Never tell the same story twice. That's why things get dull for me, seeing the same passionate startups. Naturally I rush to Daredevil out of habit simply because I like him. When I try to do something new its heretical, when I do something normal its redundant. So I don't do anything. A problem I have with reimagining characters in the ultimate style is the fact that you're supposed to avoid OCs. Like, I've never seen an original supporting character. The problem with this is twofold. On the one hand, if you use too many relevant existing characters (for convenience: ECs) then you're stepping on people's toes by creating excessive continuity and holding up a characyer someone else may have an idea for. On the other, if you avoid using names and just stick to nameless NPCs your writing becomes dull. The characters for your stories are limited by the popularity and exposure to publishing and various corporate writers have touched on them while your own creativity is second. You can only meet so many people. The spirit of the game doesn't have to be: create an endless list of OCs to seem creative. But allowing that dangerous level of freedom would really give everyone a fair shot of telling a great story about a C-List character and making them one of the greats. Naturally the gamemaster exists to guide progress, but also to stop players from derailing the game. I'd like to see this particular freedom. Make relevant original, supporting characters for those who don't have a thousand enemies and dozens of sidekicks/heirs to the mantle. This would make every single PC important without relying on whoever holds reins over the JL/Avengers to detail the world. I actually had a game pitch worked out for that above. Next: Events! Love them or hate them, events are a staple of comics now. Have the games reflect that by splashing around in the tub. The possibilities are one of the charms of comics. Let's think about this. Sure having the CSA arrive is dramatic. But what if instead of turning evil, everyone turned into Lego's for a week? Then the NewEr Gods/inhabitants of Grant Morrison's fifth world finally show up. Just because events happen on a wide scale doesn't mean the status quo has to change entirely afterwards. I just wish that we could get to the big events faster and get them over with. But in general I'd like for a lot of mini-events to appear rather than a thousand earth-shaking ones. Just keeps it personal. I have to go back and forth on whether or not I like RPing superheroes at the moment. In truth, I love the concept. I'm just tired of the same old game where the past is all written out and no one can reach to the future or see it coming for a while. Those are some of my biggest complaints with the Hype-style games I've seen. Oh, and lastly... I can't believe I'm actually before Sloth.