[center][h3][color=a187be]Kleo Daniels[/color][/h3][/center] Would continue staring uncertainly towards the large bed and breakfast. Something was a little off that made her hairs stand on end, yet she remained at bay until she heard the familiar crunch of footsteps approaching from the side. Quick flutter of lashes covering soft hues as she settled sights upon the dark skinned man that somehow drew a elegant smile upon her face. Feet shifting lightly as she turned towards him and allowed her hand to graze across his whilst she tilted her head upwards to meet his gaze. Both slender limbs reaching to rest elongated digits upon his sides she'd tilt her head, "[color=a187be]You've got to stop over-working yourself,[/color]" she'd allow to slip through pale lips, firm yet still feminine hands working there way around him in gentle embrace while lightly applying pressure in soothing rubs up and down his back, "[color=a187be]There's plenty of time to get everything set up and there's plenty of others to help with anything if you need it,[/color]" she'd continue on before returning to the original question asked. "[color=a187be]As for the pups, Tyrone is still asleep, he seems caught up in some manner of dream as always, but I will get him up soon; and I assume Celeste has wandered off to occupy herself since I left a little before sun-rise to attend my own chores,[/color]" she'd say quite calmly, not too worried about the young pup knowing there were plenty of members around to keep them close and safe. Eyes soon trailed back to the bed and breakfast as she gestured towards it, "[color=a187be]Seems something's a little off if you'd like to company me to assess the situation, though I know for a fact Niall will already be attending to it,[/color]" she'd huff in knowing tones. Though before they decided to move off in any manner she'd turn back towards the small yet suitably sized cabin to retrieve Tyrone, they may has well gather everyone for breakfast if the situation wasn't serious and was already under-control it would not hinder her need to ensure everyone was fed. "[color=a187be]I'll go get sleepy,[/color]" she'd smile lightly as she quickly paced back within the buildings confines and head back to the same room she'd been into before, slender hand reaching to open to bare slumbering tossing child to bright honey brown sights. "[color=a187be]Hey buddy, time to get up,[/color]" she'd slowly begin speaking as she moved to the beds side, sitting slightly perched upon it's edge as she reached to lightly rock boys shoulder, "[color=a187be]Wakey-wakey mister,[/color]" she'd continue in babied vocals. Though as she watched child partially stir in attempts to ignore the unfair time to get up she'd lightly bend fingers like claws ready to tickle, "[color=a187be]Don't make me send in the tickle monster,[/color]" she'd grimace upon this set of words teasing with quick short tickles under his arms and on his stomach as she leaned in closer waiting for his response as she woke him up in what she hoped to at least keep him in a good mood and as soon as he'd try to roll away upon his back she'd lean in further and initiate her tickle attack, "[color=a187be]I'm gonna getcha![/color]" [center][@Tigger][/center] [hr] [center][h3][color=a2d39c]Tyrone Daniels[/color][/h3][/center] Stirred lightly as he shifted and rolled, face half buried within soft sinking surface of spaceship patterned pillow, crinkled matching sheets and blanket scattered around him as he groaned and mumbled under his breath upon the approach and sound of mothers voice. His bright striking hues of almost unnatural sapphire flickering into view as she placed hand upon his shoulder and continued talking even though he ignored what he could, "[color=a2d39c]I don't wanna get up,[/color]" he'd grumble through still half buried mouth. When finger-tips ready for tickling touched his side though followed by what he knew wasn't an empty threat he'd try to roll away, legs kicking as she began quick short tickle sessions. As he rolled onto his back and was attacked with tickles he'd open his eyes wide and squealed lightly as he attempted to speak only for it to come out full of laughter, "[color=a2d39c]No![/color]" Though the tickles didn't stop so quick as he recoiled into the fetal position, legs tucked tight as he tried to use them to push her away and arms flailing as he attempted to grasp at her longer, more muscled limbs, "[color=a2d39c]Mummy! No![/color]" he'd squeal again, the laughter a quick give away he wasn't in pain or being hurt as he sat up and continued his attempts to get away quite visibly wide awake now as he writhed and emit echoing vocals, "[color=a2d39c]Muuuummmm![/color]".