[@XxLyraxX] "Excellent choices, my lady! They shall make fine curtains indeed!" Runa said playfully with a laugh. As she started out rolling out enough fabric for the curtains. She had done all manner of measurements the day before and was well prepared. "Tricky part now is what color of threads to pick out for purple one." Runa explained on as she gathered first the blue fabric in her arms and set it on her large table, on it sat a large square ruler good for clothing measurements, but for now a standard tape measure would suffice. But, she stopped mid task of spreading out the fabric as a shudder shook up her spine. "Darling Celeste, I think it's time we took you back to Kleo and Bronze... They must be wondering where you are." She didn't want to scare the girl so she said. "I'm sure you're hungry by now, growing pups need to eat if they want to be strong and I have no kitchen here to feed you." The small strawberry blonde Omega stuck out one shapely hand to the girl and again gave her a warm inviting smile.