[@Ayla][center][h2][color=cyan]Celeste Forrester-Daniels[/color][/h2] Celeste watched in fascination as Runa began laying out the fabric in preparation to cut them. [color=cyan]"Do the threads need to be the same color?"[/color] Celeste asked curiously, standing on her tip toes to see over the counter. However, before Runa answered her question the child saw a shiver race down the older wolf's spine. Celeste tilted her head in curiosity. Was Runa cold? The air had a certain chill to it and Celeste herself got shivers from time to time if she stood outside for too long. At Runa stating Celeste needed to go back to Kleo and Bronze, then commenting on how the child might be hungry, Celeste's stomach grumbled. The child blushed, looking down at her feet as she nodded. She reached up to take Runa's hand. ~.~ The walked to the cabin didn't take very long and Celeste could smell the scent of food emanating from the kitchen. As they grew closer to the cabin, Celeste could see a figure standing outside. She recognized the tall form of Bronze. She guessed that maybe Kleo was inside waking Tyrone. Celeste knew the other child wasn't a morning person and would sleep in as long as he could get away with. Quite the opposite of Celeste who was up with the sun. Unless she went to bed late, then she didn't wake up as early. As they drew alongside Bronze's side, Celeste gave him a small wave. [color=cyan]"H-Hello Mister Bronze."[/color] Celeste said in a soft voice. Seeing as she had only been her a few weeks, she hadn't gotten to know her knew familiy well enough to not be tack on honorifics to the adults name.[/center] [@Tigger]