[center][b]Name[/b]: Kieran Altaaya [b]Photo[/b]: [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UJDP0NqEeE4/U8dGRPuLXFI/AAAAAAAAF00/n4oRXN0LGhc/w477-h825/Male_Mage.png[/img] [b]Age[/b]: ~2437 (his body appears to be about 17-18) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Abilities[/b]: Kieran wields four sword handles that he can form various types of blades on, the blades are called through the handles from other dimensions. He also has a slight telepathic control over the handles, being able to hover them around him for a short distance or launch the blade at his foe, though once a blade is launched it must be manually recovered. He has a few other abilities that come from being an Eldritch being bound within a body, these abilities are heightened senses, increased agility, as his body has a slightly heightened rate of regeneration, wounds that would take weeks to heal on a mortal wound heal in days for him. [b]How you could work in a team[/b]: Vicious attacker, Assassin [b]Personality[/b]: Kieran is normally cheerful and friendly, though he is usually somewhat awkward and choses too remains quiet as he still has trouble interacting with mortals, but there are rare times that he can get a bit sinister or aggressive. He can occasionally be too reckless in a fight as he does not feel pain the same way others do. He tries to hide his Eldritch nature and pass as a simple mage. [b]History[/b]: Even before being bound to a body, Kieran was considered weak among the Eldritch, even being the youngest of the ones who's ages were known. After being bound to a body, trapped by a powerful mage's magic as a servant. The mage's eventual death freed him from this servitude but not his body. He continued to wander about the world he was now stuck in until, about 1300 years later, he discovered the Mana-Script Academy. He chose to enroll in the hopes he may eventually find a way to break the mage's binds and release himself. [b]Other[/b]: Strangely, his movement appear to be slightly slowed when he is holding his weapons. They will usually remain hovering behind him or on his belt until he intends to strike.[/center] [hider=Schedule] First period: Artifacts Second period: Rituals Third period: Free Fourth period: Free Fifth period: Combat Training Sixth period: Summoning Seventh period: Enchanting Eighth period: Sealing [/hider]