Alex smiled and held his arm out, curved around slightly, gesturing for her to take it. It was one of his more old-fashioned habits that he had never gotten out of. He enjoyed being a gentleman. He turned to her when she asked if he was okay and shrugged. 'It's nothing to worry about. Just thinking about a few things.' He inwardly cursed himself for letting his guard down. Considering Victoria hadn't seen past his human facade, she knew him better than anyone, and could read his face like a book. Sometimes he wondered if the reason she hadn't seen him for what he was, was because she didn't want to. Of course, with her ability getting stronger, she may have to face it at some point. He looked around, mentally working out a good place to start the tour, and figured the main building would be best, he could work outward from there. He mentally mapped his route, he tended to be pretty good at that. He had an excellent sense of direction and always seemed to know where he was going.