[center][color=Salmon][h2]Xander Michaels[/h2][/color] [img]http://oi57.tinypic.com/hx6esh.jpg[/img] [i]"Got any change?"[/i] Xander stands at 172 CM and 57 Kilograms. He is incredibly skinny with almost no mass on his body, almost being anorexic in build, all caused by the lack of food in his life. His skin is pale with a lot of blemishes and acne. His eyes and hair are both brown with his scruffy patches of beard being rat-colored. He always wears a worn, dirty, and smelly jacket that he's owned for almost 15 years. [i]Age[/i]: 21 ][i]Gender[/i]: Male [i]Rich or Poor?:[/i] Dirt Poor. [i]Sector:[/i] 7 [i]For the Battle or Opposed?[/i] It's a opportunity to make money - But he is opposed. [i]Power Description:[/i] Demonologist - Xander is a self-proclaimed demonologist. His power is the ability to overcharge his body with a dark energy, generating a forcefield around himself. The field takes on the look of a demonic exoskeleton that protects him from harm, giving him super strength and allows him to use the dark energy in a wide variety of ways. These include firing bolts of energy, making shields, shoot it out of his eyes and even use it to obscure someone's vision of him by turning it into a mist. [i]Power Weakness[/i] He is only able to keep his 'demon form' up for a couple of minutes before having to rest extensively. His powers do not affect him if he does not 'transform'. [i]Weapon of Choice:[/i] Shotgun - It's easy to understand, and easier to use. [i]Fighting Skills:[/i] Nothing beyond running from the authorities and anyone that's bigger than him. [i]Personality:[/i] A calm, kind and gentle soul. Xander has never owned anything more than the clothes on his body and the box he's kept as a roof. He's fought for his right to live everyday of his life, always having to find someway to get food for the day and water to quench his thirst. When he was younger, he was easily pushed around because of his small frame and figure, but when he discovered he was a leviathan his life changed. Now he has the ability to turn the tides in a physical confrontation, and it's stopped him from being scared and worried. What money he does own, he's spent on buying weed for himself and food for the other beggars in the city. [i]Biography:[/i] wip [i]Likes:[/i] Pears, dogs and beans. Wine is also pretty big for him. [i]Dislikes:[/i] Beer, violence or authority figures. [i]Fears:[/i]. Freezing to death in a cold sidewalk, people walking past him without helping him is his truly darkest fear. He's afraid of monkeys and ghosts. Monkey Ghosts would be actual hell. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] He's a malnourished skinny white guy with no fighting skills and no weapons - as well as no education or any money. [i]Other:[/i] He carries a old hat that he won in a game of poker. [i]Theme Song:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFZP8zQ5kzk]Dollar is what I need.[/url] [/center]