Android 23 and the other combatants moved outside to watch. While he waited for the match to start, he looked over the crowd. Though he could not read ki do to his android issues, his 3-d gear scanned and found an unhuman like being within. Looking for someone out of place, he saw only the sulking girl and assumed it was her. But the robotic part of him got the best of him, confirming that he needed to be absolutely sure. Surely a demon would do it's best to blend in, right? Well, besides this goru figure. He would table this for now. As of right now, he needed to watch the sayain. She seemed to have a hot temper, which would leave him on edge. 23 decided to release himself by turning to the odd sweet baring man. Something was off with him, the hovering and obserd eating tendencies, but he was too sly to bluntly ask. "Quiet the event, isn't it sir? I cannot wait to see who will win" He spoke, hoping to play a fool of their power"