She looked up at the guy that entered. He looked about her age, maybe older? She couldn't tell. There was something about him that screamed, 'tired.' Like, in a weird way, his face looked aged like teachers or presidents do after teaching or being in office for a few years. She stared at him with an empty expression on her face. It was how she greeted almost all new people, well the ones she wanted to get to know. The man that led her in, she'd probably never see him again right? Regardless, she watched him for a few minutes silently as he moved to sit in front of her. She raised a brow at him as he stared at the table before looking back up and smiling at her. She snorted softly before humorously waving at him. [b]"You look immensely bored,"[/b] he said, with a laugh, [b]"Nothing ever happens around here; so, you should get used to it."[/b] [color=hotpink]"I lost my shadow and my reflection, I wouldn't call that nothing."[/color] She returned, chuckling. [color=hotpink]"But I understand your point. It's not every day you walk into the base of a place called, 'the Secret Service' which looks much like a hospital. You know, we should put up a fund to get this place remodeled. Get a few game room set up..."[/color] She rambled, looking around the room. [b]"How long has yours been gone, if you don't mind me asking?"[/b] She looked back around from her rambling and gave him a sort of surprised look. Cutting right to the chase, huh? She thought, amused. [color=hotpink]"Just a week or two. I noticed two Fridays ago but it might have happened earlier than that... whatever happened."[/color] She explained, rubbing the back of her neck, a nervous habit. She'd never admit she was getting nervous, but talking about this made her feel like a crazy person. At least earlier, it sort of sounded like she was joking. [b]"Sucks, don't it?"[/b] he added in a whisper, standing and holding his hand over the glass table. [color=hotpink]"I guess... I... I don't know."[/color] She began, not really wanting to say everything. She knew it would sound weirder coming out of her mouth then in her head. Her face shifted into a depressed/pained expression as if she was struggling with some huge dilemma, which she was. [color=hotpink]"Listen. I just want to get it back and go back to normal. That old dude said he could help. Now, where the fuck is he?"[/color] She asked, suddenly feeling irritated. Her anger was also another way that she avoided sad or otherwise depression emotions, though she wouldn't admit it or even acknowledge it. Though, as if she'd summoned the bastard, the door behind her back opened slowly and Harris stepped out, wearing suit and tie as usual. He coughed to announce himself then walked over to another side of the table, rather far away from this new guy and Olivia. [color=gray]"I trust you've met Olivia?"[/color] He asked, obviously speaking to the other guy. Olivia's eyes flitted from him to the other guy to gauge his reaction.