[quote=@Slendy] [@manapool1] "Sir???" He responded laughing. Did his human form look that old, hope not. "Yes, this is quite the event you might not be able to tell but there's a lot of interesting people here, you being one of them of course..." Ken smiled descending a bit to be able to walk. "Shall we go see how the sayain fairs against her opponent." He walked to the area that allowed the participants to spectate the match. [/quote] Concerned about what the kai meant, the unknowing android now wished more than anything to know who this was. He wasn't a demon like the obvious one he had met before, yet his appearance was ominous and uncanny. He was afraid for how much this man knew. He new he had better try to keep to his fake attitude. "Well, I like to think I'm pretty strong, but I don't think I'm going to do well here... I am only human, and one of these guys is a full fledged demon. I honestly doubt anyone can defeat him here" 23 spoke to try and lie his way out of this. He would then quickly change the subject. "A sayain... what is that? Her tail is a bit... unnerving"