[quote=@Slendy] [@manapool1] [@bluetommy2] Ken laughed again. "You're pretty strong maybe even beyond the average of a human almost as if you were an android or something." He chuckled knowing what he was but decided to poke around his true identity. "Anyone can defeat a demon, you just have the be mentally and physically strong enough to fight them and their tricks." Before he could smile he felt an unauthorized presences seep through his mind. [B] "I'm here cause I simple got bored of watching from above...and normally I'm laid back but enter my mind without permission again and you will witness the power of a Kai first hand."[/b] Ken telepathically responded keeping a smile on his face. He turned and looked at the young man. "Sorry for that I had a what you can call a headache....." [/quote] Knowing his cover was blown, 23 looked around before trying to keep his smile too. Inside he had now seen this man as either a threat or a new hero. Either way he was going to stay on his good side. Chuckling in response he looked to the battle. "When are they gonna start? This 'android' wants to see how much stronger he had gotten!" he cheerfully stated and looked over as the announcer waited for the sayain to return to the stage. "Mizune, please report over here now or be disqualified"