[color=plum][h3]Elize Vanzant[/h3][/color] Elize Vanzant did not shy from her route, her face did not waver as the strange male eyed her. She could easily guess that he wasn't nearly the size of Niall, lone males tended to be towards the middle of the body range size. Very rarely were they as large as a reining Alpha. That was the thing about Lycans, males grew when they gained the title of Alpha but you had to already be large enough to win. Males didn't win by smarts alone, even in an Ordeal they did not win by that. They had to win by brute force mostly, size always mattered. Even though he was undoubtedly much larger than her that was the difference between a bitch and a male. She was cunning, fast, and sleek where his bulk would slow him considerably. Elize also had another trick up her sleeve, as she moved closer she did not slow. Instead the willowy she-wolf's body started to flicker violently before she morphed between one step and the next into a tall blonde wolf. There was a calmness about her, her ears level and uninterested and her tail level with her back. She could hear them talking easily, simply unthreatening conversation but Elize was not one to talk. A coward of a lone wolf was the reason her own pack was dead. She made her way easily towards the pair, moving at an easy ground covering trot. She stepped up onto the porch of the bed and breakfast. Unlike the other members of the pack Elize did not blend in with humans, she never went to town for that very reason. There was something just too predatory about her that frightened humans. Something they couldn't quite put their finger on. [color=lightsteelblue][h3]Niall Collins[/h3][/color] Niall kept himself relaxed, this could go badly very quickly if he didn't keep his cool. When the male turned his eyes to Elize he wasn't particularly excited about that but there was little he could do right now. Besides, Elize might as well have been feral. She only tolerated the existence of anything other than her sheep and the pack's livestock and that was just barely. "[color=lightsteelblue]Yes, we bought the property to have a place of our own. It will only be open during the tourist season to the public. You're wasting your time there. She may as well be feral, barely tolerates other living things other than her sheep.[/color]" He rumbled with a bit of a smile. He stood easily in the doorway, "[color=lightsteelblue]Are you needing a room or just stopping in?[/color]" Niall questioned the male. He wasn't being unfriendly simply getting to the point behind this visit. Clearly Elize appealed to the male in some fashion but he wasn't quite sure what his interest in coming here had been. A lone wolf was not a match for a pack of wolves. He would be a fool to attempt to try anything serious so that eased Niall's mind as he stood idly and waited for a response. He nodded at her when she arrived on the porch.