Alex huffed as Simon seemingly ignored him, but Esmay's response amused him. If she actually enjoyed doing such a thing, perhaps being stabbed wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. He'd never been stabbed before, and he might as well try it at least once, and nonetheless in a game such as this one, who even could say there was a punishment for dying in such a world. Alex could feel himself walking with a bit of a hop to his step as he tailed along the seemingly miserable members of the group. He scanned the looming forest, searching for any foes who may pop out again. Another encounter could be fun. But it wasn't until the cloaked figure appeared that he'd finally obtained a smile that lit up his face. [i]What will you thrust upon us now, I wonder?[/i] When it beckoned them, there had been hesitation in the others, but alas everyone went along. A chest, filled to the brim with swords was apparently their next destination. He leaned over Sydney as she inspected the blades. "Call me crazy, but I don't trust this person," he spoke, lightly chuckling. "I mean, what's the point in giving us knives, introducing us to an opponent, then giving us new weapons? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense if this were to be a trap?" He looked over to Esmay who already held a blade in one hand before picking up her knife and placing it in his belt loop. Strauss's question had begun to arouse suspicion among the others, and the questioning gazes that looked over the figure would likely not miss what Alex planned to do as he gingerly skipped over to the figure, grabbed hold of the cloak and yanked, aiming to pull the cloak off of the figure in one swift movement.