[center][h1][color=00a651]Bronze Zahi Brighton[/color][/h1][/center] [@AcaciaMalikov] [center]Meeting [color=a187be]Kleo[/color] eyes spark something in [b]Bronze[/b], making his heart skipped a beat in his chest. She had this glow about her that he found instantly appealing. It was one of the first thing's about her that had attracted his attention when they had first met. Slipping his arms through her arms and around her back, he shortly felt her hands rubbing his back. Tilting his head back slightly, his eyes close slightly in relief that was been emitted from the smoothing motions made on his back. Listening to her gentle scolding, [b]Bronze[/b] responded absent-mindedly tone he replied back to her "It never ends" for this had become a ritual of sorts. His sleeping habits on the counter in the store, then the scolding that promptly came with the massage. He didn't do it on purpose, But it had happened enough times that he started to see the bright side of these one men sleepover's he seemed to manage to find himself in.[/center] [center]Head still tilted slightly upwards he concentrated on her words, listening to the soft words spoken to him, he gesture with one elbow at the direction the Cabin that they resided in was, marking off [color=0072bc]Tyrone[/color] in the little checklist in his head, wondering what to do about the name that hadn't been check off yet. Giving himself a tiny mental shrug, he would search for her in a few hours after breakfast. Being a child, [color=f6989d]Celeste[/color] would get hungry and head back when she grew hungry enough. Catching back up to what [color=bc8dbf]Kleo[/color] next spoke of, [b]Bronze[/b] turned his head toward where leader was. Mentally evaluating what tasks still needed done at this moment, he felt the warmth of [color=bc8dbf]Kleo[/color] draw away from him. Watching her walk back inside, he couldn't help but grin at the prospect of waking up [color=0072bc]Tyrone[/color]. Many of times he had gone to wake up Tyrone, only for it to turn into a pillow fight. [color=39b54a]"throw a pillow for me"[/color] speaking to the that was quickly disappearing into the cabin.[/center] [@XxlyraxX] [@ayla] [center]Standing on the porch, [b]Bronze[/b] was monitoring the area around the bed and breakfast, noting the bike parked outside. Spotting movement, he watch [color=f9ad81]Elise[/color] moving toward the building, confirming his belief that there was no need to rush over at the moment since she was also there now. Still observing, he hear sounds coming down the street, seeing a pair hand in hand walking down it. Instantly recognizing the duo, he flashed a smile toward them both as they strode closer. Still smiling, [b]Bronze[/b] crouch down to her level, waving back energetically back and forth. [color=39b54a]"Good morning Miss [color=f6989d]Celeste[/color], Hope you hungry. We're going be collecting breakfast with [color=bc8dbf]Kleo[/color] once she wakes up sleepy-head."[/color] Inclining his head slightly up, he welcomed his other visitor [color=39b54a]"[color=a2d39c]Runa[/color], how are you today? Hope the shop still running smoothly, Just give a holler if you need something"[/color][/center]