And Posted! Woo Val is a bit of an energetic when he's all doped up, drunk off his add on morphine and all LOL. He's kinda stolen the limelight here, cause well, he hasnt had his time to shine yet and he did just wake up- gotta fill the space with the force of his personality. His very giddy personality right now. Lol Gotta annoy his sister right off the bat. Hehee! He caught right on to the fact that this new guy just got back from a roll in the hay, but he's pegged the wrong culprit! Wonder how Liore will react to this (not quite totally) off the wall accusation! And poor Noah, captian gets ignored again. Val's gotta get settled first, and then she'll let him know ALL of what happened. She's still pissed at him so she'll love the opportunity to tear him a new one as well as inform him of the bad news at the same time. I wonder if she'll give Val some time to sober up before the interrogation starts, or if she'll jump while he's still dopy and off balance. Oh and, since viva let the would be mugger get away... what do you say he comes back with some friends maybe? if a junky can find them on this rock then somebody with more than two braincells is bound to be out there ready to cause trouble for our intrepidly illigal crew.