[center][h3][color=7bcdc8]Delsin Rowe[/color] - Just around [color=7bcdc8]Mahora[/color][/h3][/center] How. The [i]hell[/i]. Did he end up here? 'Here', of course, being in the middle of a crater, covered in a thin layer of dirt and dust and god knew what else. One minute, he'd been practically soaring, carried away by some sort of-- [i]thing[/i]. Some bright, cyan, really, really [i]weird[/i] kinda thing. The next, well, he was face down in the dirt in some place that- he decided with one glance around- was definitely not Seattle. Delsin pushed himself up with a groan, patting himself down to survey the damage, feel around for any broken ribs or open gashes or what-have-you. Which was, miraculously, minimal to none. [color=7bcdc8]"Thank [i]you[/i], radical powers,"[/color] He mumbled to himself with a slight smile and a roll of his shoulders, surveying his surroundings with more than just a passing glance now that he was sure he wasn't, you know, [i]dying[/i] or whatever. A decent way away from him was a ragtag group of what he, currently, was assuming to be hallucinations; or some sort of circus, probably, judging from the amount of animals. From over here, he could spot at least two (with one of them apparently [i]winged[/i]) along with a [i]freakishly[/i] huge dude-- Alright, no, scratch that, one freakishly huge dude, and one [i]moderately[/i] huge dude. The rest of whoever was in on it looked normal enough from where he was standing but, honestly? He'd prefer not to take any chances with the circle of 'Probably-a-result-of-a-concussion'. Especially when turning the other way and trying to find someone who looked like an actual existing person was [i]just[/i] as easy-- if not easier! He could deal with the circus-folks some other time. Or. Just, you know. Not ever deal with it. Ever. That worked, right? Right. Live and let live. So, going with the time-tested method of backing away slowly from stuff that kinda freaked one out, Delsin distanced himself from the group step by step- Before dematerializing into smoke to dash around the corner of the building, halfway through and straight into what he in a splitsecond evaluation could confidently conclude to be [i]some guy[/i]; and part of the way through a not-quite-shouted [color=7bcdc8]"Whoa- Sorry!"[/color] could continue that conclusion with some guy [i]with an SMG[/i]. This. This really wasn't his day, was it? [@Shoryu]