[hider=Wegnus Myrhz] Wegnus Myrhz ( Possibly pronounced " Mirhz " ) Age: 19, but there is something else in him that's much older than him Class: Wizard Believes in Kalen, the Final Vision Appearance: Wegnus is quite a rotund teenager/ experiment. He's got a round-ish face, and is around 5 foot, 6 inches tall. Because he's a ginger, he has copperlike hair, and freckles. Don't forget the freckles. [hider=Short-ish Bio] Wegnus' past was quite the pampered lifestyle. The son of a nobleman, who is now forgotten, by his own son, Wegnus. He was quite the lazy tub of lard, he didn't do anything around his home that helped. He secretly studied magic, which his father despised, because he prefers the art of "politics." Wegnus, not the most skilled mage out there, looked for ways to further increase his skills, and overall intelligence. So, he did the most rational thing to do: become a wizard's apprentice! But it seems that faith had brought him to this certain wizard. This wizard was a sly trickster, and he knew that he was getting older, and his time was slowly diminishing. So he set Wegnus up. Training him did actually happen, and it was [b]actual[/b] training. But hey, one day, things happened. The mentioned wizard did an incantation which was meant to transfer the caster's soul into another one's body, while the victim was meant to stay in the caster's body. But, of course, the spell partially failed. It made the wizard move into the body of the teenager, while his soul was still there. This had some catastrophic effects, one, Wegnus' memories were slightly erased, and two, his personality switches from time to time. A few years had passed since this event, and the two had been warming up to each other. Kinda. The two had an agreement, that they would take turns in controlling this single body. They came to an agreement to travel to Gatholiel, maybe to break this curse they had cast upon themselves, or maybe for more power. [/hider] Equipment: Over the years, the two had gathered a small bit of equipment. Of course, this is quite basic. - A dark green robe, with a brown robe underneath. - Traveling boots, that go with the robes' color scheme. - A brown hood, which goes with the color scheme, also. - A weathered silver staff for a catalyst. This was probably owned by the wizard. - A single leather glove, worn on the left hand. - Brown trousers. Can't forget those! Skills: - Since Wegnus is just an apprentice, he still has much to learn. -- The Wizard, on the other hand, is skilled, but his soul is slowly diminishing. - Wegnus has a pretty disarming personality. -- The Wizard, on the other hand, is not as charismatic as him. - All in all, they have similar abilities. Weaknesses: Wegnus really isn't the strongest person out there. He has what seems to be the endurance of an anorexic 9 year old, and the strength of maybe an 8 year old at best. So, this means he's much more susceptible to poison, physical injuries, and possibly booze. Booze is going to be a problem because the Wizard is an alcoholic. Wegnus is probably made of glass, also. He gets hurt easier. And his size makes him a larger target for ranged weapons. Starting Gift: Wegnus believes in luck, so he carries around a [b]lucky charm[/b]. [/hider]