Shi's tail swayed from side to side like a ticking grandfather clock as she waited for the others to pose their questions, however when none came she suspected they understood just what they were getting themselves into, that was fine. Though Samael did pose one about just what they were picked to be, a understandable question after all she did explain about the guardians while they had all met at the shrine so that was what peaked his interest? [b][color=fff79a]"Well, I suppose I can tell you. where shall we start? Ah, with the Guardians? My sister over there trying to feed your future boss-,"[/color][/b] She gestured to Yuki holding a hotdog on the end of a fork and trying to poke it into Luca's mouth, a rather innocent looking assassin it seems. [b][color=fff79a]"She was to join the ranks of Varia, but has forced the issue into becoming one of the Sun Guardian Candidates along with Akane Kimiko."[/color] [/b]She looked to the others, to make this fast she simply pointed to them in turn and announced what they were to be. [color=fff79a][b]"Samael Mist Guardian Candidate Naoki Shindo Thunder Guardian Canidate Minase Hideaki Cloud Guardian Candidate Rentarou Kanesada Rain Guardian Candidate"[/b][/color] Lowering her hands she waited for a few moments [color=fff79a][b]"And of course we have the Storm Guardian Candidate, who belongs too our late dear Asuka Argento" [/b][/color]It was this moment this moment that the girl would have come through the door, Shi's ears were not just for show afterall. [color=fff79a][b]"You have not missed much, Fon will just fill you in while I explain this: There are also the Varia members, if you are chosen to become one of these you will discover what it means, however as of right now simply focus on the tasks at hand."[/b][/color]