[center] [h1] [u][b][i]Love Crime[/i][/b][/u] [/h1] [/center] [center] [img] http://pre11.deviantart.net/26c0/th/pre/i/2009/239/8/6/west_texas_wind_by_foureyes.jpg [/img] [/center] [center] [hider=Atmospheric Music] [url] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5f8dMw_Zz4 [/url] [/hider] [/center] In the year 2075, an untamed pandemic sweeps across the globe, tearing through the very foundations of life itself. ‘The Rot’, as this plague would come to be known, brings humanity to its knees, and the threat of total and utter extinction becomes very real indeed. The Rot’s insatiable hunger could no longer contain itself, and the lethal virus collapsed under its own feral weight, leaving a world of ashes and dust behind. Humanity endured, as it always has, and the flags of the old world were adopted under new mantles and titles. The same crippling vices still fester within the hearts of mankind, and greed and corruption are just as prominent now as they ever were; with The Rot having revealed man’s true colours. Monsters have arisen from the darkness, and it is these monsters, and their tyrannical dominions, that control the world. Our story takes place in Scorch City, a ruined husk of concrete and rubble within the desolate wasteland of what was once the southern states of America. The New Confederacy imposes brutal martial law on Scorch’s citizens, and sadistic drug kingpins dominate the streets. Crooked officials, corrupt soldiers, and redneck crackheads litter the sidewalks and back alleys of Scorch City, and brothels and drug dens line the street corners. The Confederacy enforces what flimsy law there is to be found within Scorch, but they have little patience for criminals, and most transgressions are met with fatal consequences. The Scorch City Peacekeeper Department (SCPD) serve as both an armed militia and a police force, but more often than not they are mere pawns of some unseen crime boss, lurking about in the shadows. One hot summer evening, a working girl by the name of Joanna Calhoun is found dead in her apartment in downtown Scorch City. No more than a day later, a gun-for-hire called Hugh Blackwood turns up on the sidewalk, his head caved in. The one thing connecting these two individuals is a history with the infamous Bloody Razor gang, a history which they had both tried to shake off. But the Bloody Razor are a cruel and merciless lot, who don’t appreciate their members walking out on them. Guerrilla warfare breaks out between the Razor and the SCPD. Car Bombs erupt in great showers or orange and red, snipers pick off unsuspecting passers-by from their nests in the ruins of skyscrapers, and bodies litter the streets. As blood stains the gutters, Grand Peacekeeper Billy Zimmerman appoints disgraced detective John Horrigan to uncover exactly what’s transpired within Scorch City, and to shed light upon the fates which have befallen Joanna Calhoun and Hugh Blackwood. [hider=Persons of interest] [u][b]Joanna Calhoun[/b][/u] A prostitute with ties to the Bloody Razor, Joanna left the gang to try and find a better life, but she was simply swallowed up and spat out by Scorch City, like so many before her. During her teenaged years she was something of a black widow, having multiple disingenuous relationships with several men, but her playful and dominative days are long since over, and the cool charms of the sweet seductress gave way to the grim hard-hearted demeanour of a woman who has forsaken all hope in humanity. [u][b]Hugh Blackwood[/b][/u] Blackwood was a street-level hitman, who was practically raised by the Bloody Razor. He came from a broken home, as so many in this dystopic time do, and was frequently abused by his father. Hugh was prone to fits of rage, and his fiery temper got him into many difficult situations. He was forced to leave the Bloody Razor when he killed fellow gang member and former lover Susan Cavanaugh, and his old gang mates have been out to get him ever since. [u][b]Billy Zimmerman[/b][/u] The Grand Peacekeeper of Scorch City, Billy Zimmerman is one of the few ‘good’ cops left. Appearing on the scene a few years ago, Zimmerman rose quickly through the ranks of the SCPD, and was instrumental in destroying the Disciples of Armageddon, one of Scorch City’s most powerful gangs. He’s struggling desperately to stay above water, and to keep the Peacekeepers from falling completely to corruption, and he believes that removing the Bloody Razor is the best way to achieve his objective. [u][b]Alfred Graham [/b][/u] The vicious leader of the Bloody Razor, Graham is truly a force to be reckoned with. Wanted for the murder of his brother Richard, and his ex-girlfriend Katherine Miller, Alfred is as ruthless and twisted as they come. Graham has stayed off of Zimmerman’s radar until recently, with the Grand Peacekeeper being more focused on larger threats, but as all-out war rages through the streets of Scorch City, it seems that a climatic showdown between the two titans is all but certain. [u][b]John Horrigan[/b][/u] Once the rising star of the Scorch City Peacekeepers, Horrigan’s career took a turn for the worse, and his once spotless reputation became soured. After perusing a case without sufficient evidence, it looks like John has achieved all he can within the ranks of the Peacekeepers. Assigned to Joanna Blackwood’s case, Horrigan seeks to redeem himself in both the eyes of his peers, and of Scorch City itself. [/hider] [Center] [h2] [u][i][b]Out of character[/b][/i][/u] [/h2] [/center] Love Crime is a dystopian crime thriller, set in the ruins of the Deep South in the aftermath of an apocalyptic disaster. Players can choose to take on the role of any original character within Scorch City, with the one connecting feature being that they are somehow a suspect in the murder of Blackwood and Calhoun. I’m trying something a little different with Character Sheets, having drawn inspiration from Wade Willson’s excellent RP ‘The Kindnapping’. Those who wish to apply for the game are to PM me their character sheets, which will contain a name, physical description, and background of the character. If accepted, I will then post the physical description alone to the CS tab, and leave the other details anonymous, to be discovered throughout the course of the game. Whilst the game will have a sandbox setting, and players are free to get up to their own devices within Scorch City, the over-arching murder mystery will be the driving force behind Love Crime’s progression. [center][h3] [u][b][i]Character Sheet[/i][/b][/u] [/h3] [/center] [i]Just to reiterate; Please [b]do-not[/b] post these to the OOC. Please [b]PM them to me[/b] for approval. [/i] [b]Name:[/b] (Fairly self-explanatory) [b]Age: [/b](Dito) [b]Physical description:[/b] (A paragraph or so detailing your charter's appearance. Can be accompanied by a picture.) [b]Bio:[/b] (A description of your character's back-story, and how they got to where they are now) [b]Other:[/b] (Any withstanding details you'd like me to be aware of)