[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] There had been a [i]lot[/i] of things Bucky had been forced to get used to after they'd restored his memories. TVs with a thousand different channels showing everything you could ever imagine, the internet, phones that could take pictures and videos, even that Netflix thing that Natasha was so hot on. A talking duck certainly took the biscuit. Still, the so-called Star Lord's point resonated around Bucky's head as the farce unfolded. Whoever had sent Quill had chosen, not Steve, and that fact weighed heavily on his mind. "There must be some kind of mistake," Bucky whispered to himself with a shake of his head. "Why me? Not him?" His thoughts went to Natasha sat outside waiting for him, probably wondering where the hell he was, and Steve's memorial service tomorrow night. He'd told Natasha that [i]nothing[/i] would stop him from going and he'd meant it but from the sounds of it the fate of the universe was on the line. Once upon a time Bucky would have said to hell with it and left it to someone else but he wasn't just Bucky anymore. He was more than that. He was Captain America. With a nod, Bucky looked to Star Lord and the Duck and smiled. "You had better bring me back to this [i]exact[/i] moment. I have somewhere I need to be tomorrow night. Oh, and we're going to have to pick up my shield and uniform. Something tells me where we're going a dinner jacket is not going to cut it."