Ms. Chantal looked at Eve and Ava. [color=f7976a]"Eve, your turn!"[/color] saying Ms. Chantal, looking at Ava. [color=ec008c]"I'm Ava"[/color] angry at the teacher, still making the same mistake 3years in a roll. [color=f7976a]"Opps! Sorry my dear, Eve"[/color] said Ms. Chantal, making sure to have the right twin. [color=ec008c]"Ms. Chantal, as I have stated in the 1st and 2nd year, and it's for the same reason that both me and my sister are in Hero support. Eve doesn't use Her powers for violence and you don't have the right stuff for mine. So please write on the sheet of paper that both of us are Hero Support and not to waste anymore time"[/color] said Ava, still angry, answering for her sister. taking a hold of her sister's hand, not wanting to be there any longer, leaving 1 shock teacher and a shock sister, following behind. [color=fff200]-After Gym Class, 1st Class-[/color] walking from the gym into class, with her sister following her. [color=39b54a]"Come on Ava, it isn't that bad"[/color] said Eve, smiling. [color=ec008c]"Shut it"[/color] saying Ava, seating down in her seat, waiting for the teacher.