[h2] School Cafeteria, April, 12th, Wednesday, After School [/h2] Saito walked though the schoolyard with heavy eyes and slumped shoulders, he was tired which was shown to the world by multiple yawns thoughout the day and he's currently lwt out a huge yawn and covered it up with his free hand. He was tired like normal from only having four hours of sleep which he consider a long sleep. He normally sleep two hours and have many cat naps thoughout the day when teacher aren't looking. But all of them were on high alert so he wasn't allowed to nap at any point so he's more tired then he normally is. But for now he pushed forward and just kept going on with his day. He was pushed to join a sports team by a classmate and he reasoned he should so he can stay fit to fight shadows and stay strong to protect his classmates. He looked at the Baseball club practicing, he sighed and he said, [color=6ecff6]"Are you guys still open?"[/color] [hr] Saito: 4 hours left ¥ I add this later Strength Rank 1 - 2 points