[quote=@Slendy] Men smiled. "Doggy!!!!" He uncontrollably shouted seeming to vanish and glomp(tackle/hug) the wolf man nearly choking the life out of him. While slowly squeezing the life out of the poor wolf he wore a kid at a candy store smile. Little did he know he was cuddling the wolf a little to much. "I just love doggies!!!" [/quote] Gagging and struggling uncontrollably,before a final breath he passed out. As soon as this happened, the medics came to carry the wolf man away. Some of the Crowd laughed, but most of it looked in awe. It was not until the wolf man was carried away that the ref understood what even happened. Clapping despite the rest of the people still in awe, he decided to get him away. "Two more fights to go! Who will win the next! Find out when.... I can't beleive it! The legendary fighter Soi, the three time champion and ruling greatest martial artist versus.... Am I reading this right? Gorda? Regardless, please step to the arena!" 23 looked over to the close crowd and smile at the demon. [@thesecret] He smiled awkwardly to her and gave a sheepish wave. Truthfully, he was a bit afraid of her temper, and was hoping to do anything he could to keep her from attacking him. He'd instead prefer to find her skill where he could go all out. "Such an odd fighter, yes? In a way, I hope I can meet him in the ring"