Loire's eyes went wide, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming 4-x-4 at Valko's sudden spontaneous accusation. Of course his reaction was totally natural because he wasn't fucking with Viva, to quote Valko. His surprise at the accusation was evident, but what was not obvious was that he was sleeping with Noah instead. Noah actually found the exchange tremendously amusing though he wouldn't let his face convey his mild amusement because Viva would get suspicious, and probably furious. He would certainly chuckle about it later though, for now, his poker face was firmly in place. [i]"That's the Loire the Doctor. I brought him here, and he's the one that saved your fool life so you better be damned grateful. And for the Love of- He's not my Boyfriend VAL!"[/i] Loire cleared his throat a little following Viva's introduction and added calmly, [b]"A pleasure to meet you, properly this time, I'm sure, Valko."[/b] Loire was glad Val seemed to be doing tremendously well, he was certainly lively for someone who'd practically shook hands with death himself not too long ago. Loire would feel better once he'd given Valko the once over first, he had suffered massive internal trauma, while it was good to be up and active, he had to be careful. [i]"For heaven's sake Doc," Viva called back to the doctor, "How much of those drugs did you give him?"[/i] Loire was a little baffled actually, he hadn't drugged him up too much, just standard stuff. [b]"I gave him no more than he needed. I must admit I'm quite perplexed by his behaviour ... I didn't have him pegged for being a lightweight."[/b] he replied, at least Valko was sort of steady on his feet though, he'd manage to make his way back to the med bay now and then wait it out till the giddyness wore off. [b]"He was grunting in his sleep, I thought he was uncomfortable."[/b] Noah said steadily, [b]"Slipped him a little more morphine, nothing major."[/b] he explained. Turning to face Viva who would no doubt want to lynch him now. [b]"I know how much an overdose is so don't even begin to lecture me about being stupid."[/b] Loire, ever the pacifist, wanted to diffuse the situation, plus, stress would likely upset Valko's condition, not that this was stress for Val, he was most certainly accustomed to Viva and Noah's never-ending disagreements. [b]"No harm done, it'll wear off within a couple hours and we can sort out a dosage that suits."[/b] Loire was begging the Gods, if they existed, that Viva and Noah would let things drop and that the Lucidae would stay in a state of relative calm for just a little longer, at least till they got away from this wrtetched space-port. He'd noticed Viva's injuries and needed to look at them too. Noah called out just before Loire and Valko were too far down the hallway towards the med bay. [b]"Your feeling okay doc?"[/b] Loire looked dazed for just a moment but Noah gave him a knowing stare and Loire just nodded and waved his hand dismissively. Noah pulled Viva aside for a moment and dug out the first aid kit that was up in the cockpit, it wasn't much compared to the med bay, but Viva just had a bloody nose and bruised eye, the med kit had the necessities to patch that up but not much else. [b]"Vee we're in a bad way out here, so don't fight with me right now, wait till we're in the clear. We just have to get to Paradiso and then we can put this all behind us. Hold still and let me patch you up, Val will keep the doc busy, you know what he's like."[/b]