23 looked away from her in fear as he could tell from his glare she had figured him out by now. Letting out a sigh he then turned to ken, who was ranking on. 'great, surronded by idoits and monsters' He muttered to himself under his breath. Looking up at the mention of Soi, he was excited to see his power. "WHoa! You mean soi is really here? I heard he once punched through solid steel like it was nothing! I can't wait to see how well he fights!" 23 said as he listened to a car stop outside, a door open and close. After a few loud steps as if wearing high heels, a tall woman with long purple hair and a karate gi one stepped into the ring. Despite being in baggy clothes, it was obvious she was somewhat muscular, and her tall body was beneficial to her as well. Bowing to her foe she set her stance. "That's right, it is I! The real soi!" She shouted. The crowd suddenly cheered eagerly as she tensed powerfully. The announcer was also very excited as well. "Ladies and gentlemen, the battle we've all we been waiting for, without further ado, the demon vs. the hero!" 23 looked to her in awe. "Wait.... soi is a girl? Hm, I suppose I should have read a bit more about him, er, her!"