[quote=@Ariosk] Dude I totally feel you on the lifelike aspect. There have been so many instances where I swear to goodness that something happened, but I later realized it had occurred in a dream. ;-; Or I will have those blasted dreams where I dream about getting up and getting ready. Like no brain. Bad brain. [/quote] I'm positive I've told Spec about it, but I once had a dream where I was driving with my brother in my hometown and spotted this fair in the school parking lot, and Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk were sword fighting. And my brother goes "Oh look, its the guy from Doctor Who!" And I was so angry that 1: he didn't know who either of them were and 2: he didn't know who ACTUALLY was in Doctor Who that I bit myself in rage. Woke up with a bite mark on my arm. Not. Even. Joking. I have a picture. I've woken myself up laugh. (And husband. Lord, he looked so afraid when I just started laughing beside him in bed). I've even sung in Dov in my sleep.