Finished character. [hider=Punny Name][center][h1]Naganeru Aryū, the Onmyōji Disciple[/h1][hr][img][/img][hr][i]"Got it, boss!"[/i][hr][/center][b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Aryū stands at around 5'2" and has a rather small build. [b]Personality:[/b] Aryū is, in all sense of the word, a disciple in her personality. She has an insatiable desire to learn and always wants to fight. She's full of energy and vigor and is willing to learn from the best. She also has a habit of calling people stronger than her "boss" and follow what they say. [b]Abilities:[/b] Aryū, like every other Onmyōji, uses ofuda to cast their magic. Aryū, much like her name, has affinity for water magic and concepts related to water. She also has a very useful magical trait, which is at the end. [list][*][b]Backward River[/b] By writing 後方川 on an ofuda, Aryū can enchant an ofuda with a magical spell. Upon being placed on the forehead of someone, the water in their body will slowly stop moving, making them unable to move their body. This doesn't have any long-term side-effects, though. It can also be broken if the person who gets frozen has a high enough mana. Or they're really buff. Or they have a huge purity of will. Or it falls off by itself. Really, it's easier to break than you would think. Works on ghosts, but it's probably just a placebo to them.[*][b]Water of Life[/b] By writing 命の水 on an Ofuda, Aryū can enchant an ofuda with a magical spell. Upon being placed on the wound of someone, the water in their body will search out the wound and heal it. Think of this as a super bandage. Really only works on smallish wounds, like stab wounds. Hurts really bad when you peel it off.[*][b]Gush[/b] Written with 噴出. When placed on something, a jet of water will erupt from the ground in a completely random time period. It could be one second, it could be 8 hours. Nobody really knows.[*][b]Brutal Rain[/b] Written with 残忍な雨. When placed on something, a tiny cloud will be created over top of it. It rains pretty brutally under. Great for showers, but minorly painful after a few seconds.[*][b]Flow Like Water[/b] Written as 水のように流れます. An annoying spell to write, but it allows any person who has it on them to suddenly gain the speed of a slightly-more-slippery Usain Bolt, relatively. Also makes whoever wears its clothes moist and skin wet. It doesn't feel pleasant at all.[*][b][u]Magic Trait: The Disciple[/u][/b] Aryū can copy anyone else's ofuda and use it as if it were her own. If the affinity of the copied ofuda is contradictory to her own (like fire), it only has [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]10[/sub]th the power of the original spell. If it's something that works in tandem (like earth), it has [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]5[/sub]th of the power. If it is similar to water (like the edgy affinity of [i]blood[/i]), it has [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub]rd of the power. This trait allows her to just [i]go with the flow.[/i][/list] [b]Skills:[/b] Aryū is a decent swordsman. She's easily outclassed by people who actually train, but she can fight ghosts and demons with ease. That is, unless they're samurai ghosts and demons. Besides that, Aryū is also a good packrat. She can easily carry whatever people give her. She can also cook decently well, but everything she makes is always a soup. She can also learn things very quickly, though can never seem to master what she learns. [b]Equipment:[/b] At any given moment, Aryū carries her sword made from an enchanted tree. This sword can hit otherworldly entities, and is nigh-indestructible. It only has as much power as she swings it. She also carries dozens of ofuda with her, along with a sacred pen and sacred ink. Nobody knows why they're sacred, they just are. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Aryū was born to be the last known child to the Naganeru family. They were a family of Onmyōji who specialized in water. Despite this, Aryū had never received any type of formal training in onmyōdo. Her father was much too lazy to teach her and her mother simply wanted out of all of this magic business. One fateful spring morning, Aryū had saw her father watering a large tree by placing a piece of paper on it. Amazed, Aryū tried this when she was alone. It didn't really work. Aryū wrote more and more, trying to do what her father did. After hours of writing, Aryū finally managed to write something similar to what her father wrote. It didn't really water the tree, but it watered the grass around it. It worked, and that's all that mattered. Aryū's parents found this out. Her father didn't really care, but her mother was upset. Aryū wanted to learn more, but her mother wouldn't let her. It took months of trying, but Aryū finally convinced her parents that she wanted to learn more. They taught her about the ritual and everything that surrounded it. They told her that the Naganeru clan used to be a giant group of people, until they were slaughtered by an unknown individual. Aryū was intimidated by this, but she still wanted to join the battle to learn more magic and to find a master. Her parents begrudgingly accepted her desire, but only if she promised not to die or use the name Naganeru (because they were all supposed to be dead). Thus, her father gave her some sacred(?) ink and a sacred(?) pen, along with a large pile of ofuda. He had also (begrudgingly) taught her some more magic spells. All that was needed was a weapon if the onmyōdo failed. Luckily, in an act of deus ex machina, a lightning bolt had struck the tree that had been watered. A single large branch fell down and Aryū decided to cut it into a wooden sword. Hours of videos of whittlin' (and swordfighting) later, Aryū made her blade and began her journey.[/hider]