So I've been thinking a lot about Marcus, particularly his Rift Magic. At the time when I made him, his Rift Magic I thought it was a pretty neat little concept [s]even though I stole it from a game[/s]. Whenever I look at it now though I can't help but feel how little effort I actually put into explaining it or how the magic isn't as versatile as I imagined it to be. So I spent some time reworking the explanation of Rift Magic and redesigning a few of Marcus' spells and adding new ones that give him more offensive options even when he is not inside the rift, but still reward him for fighting on his own turf so to speak. So I thought I'd add them here and see what the GM's think about the new spells and whether or not I can go with them. [hider=Reworked Rift Magic][u][b]Rift Magic[/b][/u] [i]Sometimes referred to as Dimensional Magic, Rift Magic is a rare but not lost form of Magic that allows the wielder complete control over their own personal pocket dimension. Mages who utilize Rift Magic are able to freely enter and exist in their own dimension, leaving their current plane of existence and becoming impervious to attacks on the outside but cannot interfere with anything happening outside of the rift. The rift is not a never ending space and is a dimension that is defined by physical boundaries. Think of the rift space that the user has control over as a large sphere with the Rift Mage at the center of it. The size and shape of the rift can be altered at the user’s whim to various effects. When outside of the rift, the physical boundaries of the rift have no effect on you. Inside, however, the boundaries are impassable. Additionally, the rift can be weaponized to be used offensively even if the user isn’t inside the rift, although such spells are only a fraction of their power whilst used outside of the rift.[/i] [b][u]Rift Magic Spells[/u][/b] [u]Dimensional Awareness[/u] [i]Passive ability that grants the user complete knowledge of whatever is happening inside of the rift. This is only to the extent of sensory awareness.[/i] [u]Riftwalk[/u] [i]The user enters the rift for a moderate duration. The user moves significantly faster whilst inside the rift.[/i] [u]Banish[/u] [i]Banishes a target to the rift. Can only be used when the caster is inside the rift themselves and has to be standing within arm’s reach of their target. Banished targets only remain inside the rift for a short duration and Marcus can banish up to 3 people overall.[/i] [u]Banished Prison[/u] [i]The user emits a small orb of Rift Magic that travels at a moderate speed and expands to swallow a single person and place them inside the rift. The prison’s boundaries are impassable once inside, successfully trapping someone inside the rift for a longer period of time than Banish. If Banished Prison is cast within the rift, the velocity of the spell is vastly increased. This spell is one of the few instances where the user is able to place someone in the rift without being in it themselves.[/i] [u]Rift Extraction[/u] [i]Violently rips all Banished targets from the rift, damaging them and causing an explosion of Rift Magic upon their exit.[/i] [u]Rift Polarity[/u] [i]The user is able to alter the dimensional boundaries of the rift in one direction momentarily, pushing or pulling all banished targets in any direction they desire for a brief moment. [/i] [u]Dimensional Blade[/u] [i]Shaping the physical boundaries of the rift, the user is able to create an ornately crafted blade of rift magic that they can fire at their target to impale them. When cast within the rift, Dimension Blade can be cast multiple times in quick succession from any angle within the rift.[/i] [u]Dimensional Skewer[/u] [i]Creates thin tendrils made from the physical boundaries of the rift, appearing from underneath the caster. These tendrils have a short range but can pierce and slash anything that comes near the caster. The tendrils can be shattered by a strong enough attack. When cast from within the rift plane, Dimensional Skewer can be cast from any surface on the Rift Plane and have significantly increased range and durability.[/i] [u]Dimensional Hammer[/u] [i]Creates a large geometric shape from the physical boundaries of the rift with the intent of using it to smash something. The construct shatters after one attack. Inside the rift, Dimensional Hammer is much sturdier and is capable of remaining intact even after several attacks with it.[/i] [u]Invisible Floor[/u] [i]The user brings part of the rift plane into their current plane of existence, creating a solid floor for allies to stand on. Can be used to break falls but the floor isn’t quite as sturdy as solid ground and is capable of shattering.[/i] [u]Dimensional Force[/u] [i]By altering the size of the rift, the user shrinks the space that encompasses the rift to create a small orb of condensed rift energy around them. Bringing this orb into the user’s current plane creates a temporary barrier around the caster and pushes everything away from them. When cast inside the rift, Dimensional Force pulls all banished targets inside the rift towards the caster, placing them in melee range as the physical boundaries of the rift are decreased. This spell is great for separating targets from their allies or deflecting an attack. Be wary of powerful attacks, as the physical boundaries of the rift are much weaker when brought into another plane of existence and are capable of crumbling: rendering the rift unusable for a brief period of time so it may repair itself.[/i] [u]Worm Hole[/u] [i]The user reshapes the rift plane, tightening it and creating a harmless worm hole in which anyone can use for quick travel. Once they enter the event horizon, they travel through the rift instantaneously and appear out at the desired location. This spell can be used to quickly travel through an obstacle or sneak by enemies undetected. The distance travelled by the Worm Hole is significant, but not absurd. As a rule of thumb, it can’t be any longer than the radius of the Rift Plane (about 15 meters at best).[/i] [u]Secret Art of the Rift: Cataclysm[/u] [i]One of the powerful Rift Magic’s created by Henryk the Magnificent: Master of the Rift. Cataclysm creates multiple tears in the boundaries of the Rift Plane, causing the rift to lose its form and become raw dimensional energy. A large dome of this energy surrounds the caster, placing any who are near them inside the rift plane temporarily. The boundaries of the rift swirl around uncontrollably, the rift energy desperately trying to reform its shape. This creates razor sharps strands of rift energy that completely surround the dome, eviscerating anything that comes into contact with it. After a few moments, the rift stabilizes and the dome collapses upon itself, violently pushing everyone inside the rift out of it. This is a great defensive spell but comes at the price of a great deal of Magic Power as well as overworking the physical boundaries of the rift. After the spell is over, the Rift Space is significantly smaller than usual and will take a few days to retain its original shape and size.[/i] [/hider] So far I'm not really liking Dimensional Force as much as I did when I wrote it a day or two ago. It's a neat little defense spell, but I can't help but think why a character who has the ability to phase out of existence to avoid attacks needs a shield spell. Cataclysm is different because that's more for protecting multiple people at once. I liked the aspect of it that pulls whoever is inside the Rift towards Marcus when he uses it, but I feel like the same result could be achieved with Rift Polarity. Idk though. Any opinions are appreciated because I really just haven't been feeling Marcus' magic. It just feels very lackluster, especially for a B Rank character.