Jacque uneasily stood in silence as he realized that Habb was actually considering going through with everything. It was madness, pure and simple, every fiber of Jacque's being told him to withhold information, to lie to Habb that the wolves would not be distracted, and most importantly, to tell him what would happen if he messed up. He frowned deeply before relenting under a combination of Habb's gaze and a sliver of hope that the stragglers inside of the castle were still in one piece. The forest man licked his dry lips and swallowed, "[color=0054a6]Wolves are opportunistic hunters, generally going for the easiest meal they can get. They operate by staking out a group, normally they try to single out the sickly, the injured, the old, and the extremely young, though if no such targets exist then they'll simply go for whichever prey animal strays far from the group. Now after they single out a target, the wolves will rush in to cause the group to break apart, moving in what appears to be an erratic pattern to keep their prey from banding together. From there they separate the target and corner it to go in for the kill.[/color]" he stated lowly. "[color=0054a6]In case be wondering why i'm mentioning all of this, as it stands we're the only group of potential prey here. So unless you've got a parlor trick that can conjure up the illusion of a gimped deer, one of us is going to have to play bait.[/color]" There was a fair bit of grimness in Jacque's voice, but also an extremely subtle hint of what may have possibly been resignation. Now instead of telling him to shut up for Habb's sake, Jacque's subconscious was raising almighty cain at the internal debate taking place. He was split down the middle by morality and self preservation instincts, a rather brief but intense battle the outcome of which quickly became evident by the grimace on Jacque's face. "[color=0054a6]Bait thats probably going to have to be me.[/color]" he stated in a shaky voice. Running from wolves was never fun nor was it easy, and Jacque could count on his fingers how many times he'd nearly died in the process of doing so. Flying wolves took that difficulty to a whole new level. Still, from the looks of the group he got the feeling that he was the only one that had actually done so before.