[b]“We have not only the Imperial Guard, but also Space Marines and a group of Lord Admirals Battleships coming to assist us? I can contact the Adepta Sororitas to send us additional Sisters to assist us if you require Zhevon, fighting threats like this is what we do best.”[/b] Aviza spoke up, offering the aid of her Order. She climbed into the Valkyrie. [b]"No, not yet. Maybe tell them that I may require their assistance soon, but we don't want to broadcast that we're about to do something big. The reinforcements coming in are under the guise of a force coming to finish off the Ork threat once and for all on the agriworld."[/b] He explained, [b]"If there's a way to prepare the Sororitas without warning everyone on the planet of our intent..."[/b] He trailed off, leaving everyone else to finish the thought, and perhaps come up with an idea. [b]"If the owner is gone, what's the reason for traveling to the factory?"[/b] Adrianne asked, having gotten into the Valkyrie already, [b]"Do we suspect the factory to be a mere cover-up for some other illegal activity? Are we looking for notes, databanks or communication collections?"[/b] Once everyone was in, Zhevon closed the Valkyrie doors and replied as he was getting back to his seat. [b]"We're looking for anything of use, what you mention would be very useful, but even if we find nothing, we would have found something out."[/b] He took his backpack off and set it on his lap. He then just noticed a bullet hole in the side of it, opening the pack, he took out his thermis and shook it. It rattled, evidently catching the bullet from before. He growled quietly and opened it, emptying what little tea was left and the bullet onto the floor of the Valkyrie. Adrianne then moved into the cockpit, and Aviza went over her previous flight experience. To which Zhevon replied, [b]"As long as we don't end up crashing."[/b] He went back to orchestrating how the Imperium would respond to a worst case scenario. [center][h1][i][b]The Factory[/b][/i][/h1] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/9ea2/th/pre/i/2013/068/c/e/sci_fi_factory_by_timhedlund-d5xhpt8.jpg[/img][/center] The factory was surprisingly larger than expected, since its only known purpose was to manufacture and pack boxed meals. Even from a distance, one could tell that the factory was several stories tall, 7 stories, for the main factory section. With most likely a basement of some sorts. There was a taller section of the factory, likely where the offices were for the paper pushers and the overseer. The Factory was a distance away from the main city, on the outskirts. Several factories surrounded it, but they were likely making something else, such as toys or souvenirs. As soon as they were close, Zhevon opened the vox to the two pilots, [b]"Take us down somewhere in walking distance to the Factory, I'm not too picky, get the best parking spot. Once landed, stack up on the nearest entrance. Let's try infiltration again, we don't know whats in that factory."[/b]