[h1]Donkey Kong[/h1] [hr] Donkey Kong, upon hearing the shots, ducked and quickly threw his palms over his head. [url=http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/652/772/b5e.jpg]THIS DOES NOT EXPAND DONG.[/url] He stared up at Krieg, with a look that seemed to say, "Why would you [i]do[/i] that?" At once, Krieg was assaulted by Ranma and Kino, leaving Donkey Kong confused, and sniffing the air. He smelled spices, salt, and cooking oil, but he didn't smell bananas. Nonetheless, he was curious, and therefore, as Ranma subdued Krieg, Donkey Kong turned his head towards the train cars. Just in time, too, for Ranma to point them out. In turning his head, however, he noted that Filia had broken off a chunk of the banana and put it under her hat. [i]Eh?[/i] This wasn't a common practice for Kongs; perhaps it was some ritual of man, or some cosmetic application that would leave their hair shiny and lustrous. Donkey Kong resolved to try it himself when he got the chance. Donkey Kong liked that prospect; he was, indeed, quite befuddled with the prospect of being pulled from his home on Donkey Kong Island. And so he plodded towards the train cars, unconsciously licking his chops and wondering how those scents would mingle with the taste of banana.