Ryoichi folded his hand together and studied the map. Nanrao? That was just a little fishing town set out in the middle of nowhere. Unless somehow a mage was responsible for the demon attacks, he couldn't see why the location was important. Yet, there is was in black and white. [color=ed145b]"Interesting conclusion. Still, we need to check the town out as quickly as possible. As long as the truce holds, House Aseryo will help you rid us of the demons."[/color] The lord wished that he knew more about this little town, or that he had somehow come to the conclusion first. Even still, there was something about Nanrao that he didn't like. Something more to this than it being the center of demon control and attack. He tapped his finger on the table, as though impatient. What was it that bothered him? [color=ed145b]"Illyan Travard. What else can you tell me about this? Something about this whole situation doesn't sit right with me. Could it be a mage's doing?"[/color] Ryoichi asked.