[h1]Donkey Kong[/h1] [hr] Donkey Kong turned around, momentarily distracted by the scent of banana peels and other refuse. He turned around, then realized he was looking at the kneecaps of a rather large, rather orange mechanical entity. His eyes traveled up and met Wreck-Gar's smiling metal face. Donkey Kong, more surprised than afraid, staggered back and fell on his rump, before ducking to dodge a mop headed his way. It seemed more like the massive machine was carelessly rummaging for an item and less like an actual act of hostility. Donkey Kong got whapped in the face by the stinking baseball cap; he unfolded it and adjusted the size before putting it comically on the tuft of hair upon his head. He grinned at himself, looking up at the lopsided cap. DK then took the cap off and tossed it over his shoulder, before grunting up at the robot, who introduced itself as Wreck-Gar. Donkey Kong stood upright and thumped his own chest, grunting "Donkey Kong," and slamming down to the ground. He was very proud that he could grunt his name in the first place. The curious gorilla then jumped onto Wreck-Gar's left leg and ascended up the robot's frame, before resting on his shoulder. Donkey Kong nudged Wreck-Gar's cheek and fingered the top left side of Wreck-Gar's head.