[center][h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/OxUxImm.png[/img] [sub][sub][color=#FFFC34][i] urban fantasy [/i] [color=#BEBEB5] + [/color] [i] mystery [/i] [color=#BEBEB5] + [/color] [i] adventure[/i][/color][/sub][/sub] [sup][sub][color=#85857E][i]during ritual sacrifice[/i], [i] it[/i]'[i]s considered [/i] "[i]bad form[/i]" [i] to take bits home for later[/i].[/color][/sub][/sup] A group of [color=#BEBEB5] [s][i]morons[/i][/s] [/color] paranormal investigators in [color=#BEBEB5] [s][i]Detroit[/i][/s] [/color] Southvale trudge haphazardly into [color=#BEBEB5] [s][i]actual paranormal shit[/i][/s] [/color] legitimacy. [color=#BEBEB5][s][i]hilarity[/i][/s] [s][i]tragedy[/i][/s] [s][i]idiocy[/i][/s][/color] Shenanigans ensue. [sub][sup][color=#FFFC34][i] [color=white]? [/color] Players [/i] [color=#BEBEB5] + [/color] [i] [color=white]? [/color] Characters [/i] [color=#BEBEB5] + [/color] [i] [color=#85857E][s]No[/s] [/color] [b] Vacancy[/b][/i][/color][/sup][/sub] [/h3][/center] [indent][hider=rules & ''rules''] [b] [/b] [indent]The goal here is to have fun. Rule #1 is that you don't intentionally fuck that up. The mods will come up with a few plot twists for each character - do your best to roll with the punches on those. If there's something you profoundly disagree with, let either [@dead anime dad] or [@dead anime mom] know how you're feeling, rather than letting it fester. Otherwise? Just know that if you don't post in the ic for [b]one week[/b], you're out. Simple, that. We'll assume you've dropped, unless you let us know otherwise. For those who prefer enumerated lists: [indent][indent][color=#FFFC34][b]1. [/b][/color] Don't be a dick. [color=#FFFC34][b]2. [/b][/color] Post at [i]least[/i] once a week, per character [color=#FFFC34][b]3. [/b][/color] Don't post your character sheets in the character section until they've been mod-approved. [color=#FFFC34][b]4. [/b][/color] Your character can die; be careful. Or reckless. Whatever; it's your flesh puppet. [color=#FFFC34][b]5. [/b][/color] The length of your post doesn't matter; be sure there's something to [b]reply[/b] to. [color=#FFFC34][b]6. [/b][/color] Don't be a dick. [color=#FFFC34][b]7. [/b][/color] Double or more-ing is encouraged; mind rule #2. [color=#FFFC34][b]8. [/b][/color] [b]Don't be a dick.[/b][/indent][/indent] [b] [/b] [/indent][/hider][/indent]