Spirit had been walking from village to village, staying here and there and doing a few odd jobs. Nothing really out of the ordinary until suddenly the ground shook, nearly knocking him off balance, and off in the distance he could see a strange green glow. [i]Interesting..[/i] he thought to himself. He might as well go and see what it was, he didn't really have anything better to do.. He set off at a brisk pace, hoping to be the first one there to see what it exactly was, and if it was a monster trying to eat someone. If it was, he could probably get a decent reward for killing it and saving them. As he ran, he saw two figures. One roughly the size of a man, the other more dwarvish in nature. He sighed, either the glow was about to kill them or he got there late. He continued his pace and eventually reached it. Upon further investigation it looked like some odd kind of portal a mage might construct..but it didn't seem too keen on dissapearing, and two people on the other side. He was also correct on one of the figures being a dwarf and the other a man, and a mage at that, at-least by clothes. "Did you build this?" He said pointing from him to the gate. Not waiting on a response, he ventured closer to it. Inspecting it and the people on the other side intently, they were dressed rather..oddly. At-least no clothes he'd ever seen. He decided to take it a step even farther, he stepped towards the entrance, his eyes faintly illuminating what upon further investigation looked like a tunnel. "You two can stand here if you wish. I'm investigating this." He turned and told them, yet hesitated mid-way of the entrance.