Just as Dominic had heard the voice calling back to him, the shine of a blue orb entered his field of vision. He flinched from the sudden increase in light, as his pupils had been dilated in their attempt at trying to accustom to the pitch black that he was wandering in. Soon enough his vision cleared and he saw what must have been one of the more curious things he had seen since coming here. Though his immediate thought to the orb was just some hocus pocus trick, a quick inspection of the light cleared any doubts that this was indeed not a trick. It began to move and Dominic followed, giving a glance back to see if Free was still there before pressing onward. He had no idea what this thing was leading him to, but as of right now, he had two options, follow his now lighted path and see where he was lead, or stumble around in the darkness until he killed over from hunger. He chose the first option and continued to follow the light until it came to a stop in a hallway with many strange hieroglyphs. The light intensified slightly and his attention was drawn to the source of the voice that was calling out. He gave a dry grunt as he said bluntly, "Not my light. Just gotta get used to it."