[color=FireBrick][i][center]James Gerard, December 15th, 6320--1:46 pm-Oceanic Level--Mariana Trench, Atlantis[/center][/i][/color] James was in the training hall, lifting as he always did after his several mile long run, when Sigil appeared next to him. [b]"Hello James."[/b] James shot up quickly, the AI's appearance and voice a surprise with how focused he'd been on his workout, and smacked his head on a hanging weight, illiciting a string of Greek curses before the man spoke English. He was tall, six foot and eight inches to be exact, with black hair with red dye in it, streaked to stay caught up with some of the more modern trends. His eyes were a cloud grey and he was well muscled, with a tattoo in the old Greek language placed just below the base of his neck. [color=SaddleBrown]"Ow, sonova-, how many times must I tell you to WARN ME before you appear."[/color] The Spartan, rubbing the top his now sore head, released the other side of the pull machine he'd been using and faced the AI. [color=SaddleBrown]"So what is so important that you have to interrupt my work out now?"[/color] James had had several centuries to perfect his American accent and he now had it down perfectly, even though it wasn't exactly necessary. Plenty of odd dialects had sprung up since the different levels had been established, his might not have stuck out. But it wasn't a risk the Immortal was willing to take. The AI, on the other hand, gave an amused chuckle before answering. [b]"Scarab requires that all Immortals not otherwise engaged meet her at the Olympus in District 20 of the Mantle Level."[/b] Shifting from rubbing his head, the pain of which had mostly subsided, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he headed back into the male locker room to get his normal clothes and his spears and shield on. Scarab rarely called for help unless she felt the need was greater than the risk. Not to mention running missions with the Egyptian was always fun.Pulling on his black t-shirt, then pulling up the jeans he liked to wear and doing up his boots before slinging on his shield and putting the two spears horizontally at the base of his spine. [color=SaddleBrown]"Tell Scarab Cerberus will be there within the hour and that she'd best not be late."[/color] [b]"Of course, James."[/b] The hologram vanished as James headed for the armory. It seemed today was going to be a good day after all.