[hider=Eldarin Vrus][b]Name:[/b] Eldarin Vrus [b]Age: [/b]25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class: [/b]Spell-blade [b]Religion:[/b] Madison, Reyval [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, somewhat lanky individual standing at just 6 feet, Eldarin is a striking figure. His muscles are well developed but short of bulging. He has a dull faded color of red for hair that just reaches the top of his shoulders and his eyes are a sharply contrasting green color. Eldarin's face is clean shaven and remarkably smooth for someone who has regularly seen combat. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Eldarin is one of those awkward children who grew up with parents the were in opposite worlds. His father an accomplished mercenary, his mother something of a shaman. They lived in a relatively small town and for the most part the boy grew up being trained by his father. That his until his father accepted a job leading a group of the town's militia to take care of a bandit problem that was stopping what little trade the village got. His father didn't come back. But the caravans that traveled through regularly did, so it could only be concluded that Eldarin's father had succeeded at his goal. From then on his mother educated him as best he could until the boy was around the age of manhood, and he set off on his own. Eldarin briefly joined a mercenary company before deciding to strike off on his own. After doing a few odd jobs here and there he heard rumors of the black ichor and decided that this 'Kingdom of the Gods' was worth visiting. So he set off with little more than what he had on his body and in his hands. [b]Equipment:[/b] x1 Chain Mail Tunic x1 Leather Leggings x1 Leather Gloves x1 Leather Armguards x1 Long-Sword x1 Buckler [b]Skills: [/b] Parrying Enduring Surprising bursts of speed [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Magic Opponents faster than him Ranged Attacks Poor footing Taunts Multiple foes [b]Starting Gift: [/b] - Vitalizing Tonic (A small red potion that heals the user when drunk. Limited to 2(1) uses) [u]Loot[/u] 3 firebombs Shortbow 11 arrows 3 chugs of gold stuff 25g [/hider]